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Posts posted by jobepilot

  1. Paul, after uploading your file for tweaking, the tool shows you a detailed text on what to do if you get lower performance. Did you read this text? what steps (from the text) did you follow? and most importantly, how are you measuring this 'lower' performance?
    Hi, I just done what you said and followed the instructions, and it has improved my sim no end, thanks ever so much

  2. Thanks for taking the time to make this, really useful.I have one question, I keep getting this message from my cfg, your TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT is being COMPLETELY ignored under your actual configuration, you can very well forget about it.MAKE SURE to disable Transparency Anti-aliasing for improved smoothness with your NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX/9800 GTX+ card. How do I repair this ?

  3. You will need FSUIPC from here http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html 1) go to the PMDG menu and assign keyboard key's i.e. Ctrl +1 means arm VNAV in the VNAV option or what ever key you want, to the assignment in the PMDG menu. 2) go to FSUIPC, go to buttons tab press the button on your yoke i.e. A1 FSUIPC will detect the button when you push it.3) in the assign key, click assign key or what ever the wording is, it might be set key cant rem right now, simply hold down CTRL and add 1 so it reads CTRL+1 press ok and then your button is assigned to your yoke. But beware, it is very common for the PMDG menu to dump out your user keys, or at least it happens to me regularly, so make a note. Also you can check your key presses by using the keyboard its self to test. Write down any assignments makes it easier to reconfigure and to check.I hope you understand this.. Do one or two first then try more....

  4. Been having problems on finals and vectoring, been getting a vector and the plane has turned the wrong way, i.e. heading 200, vector turn left heading 120, plane turns right in an uncontrollable circle, its like an "s" turn at very low level :( a new fault for me. Had major problems lastnight, and this had happened now on three to four occasions. I will not be using ASA with PMDG, the two just arent working together for me, I have dropped back ASX with the FSUIPC settings and it works, so I will stick with that for now. I havent yet tried a default plane but will at some point.

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