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Everything posted by Captain_Weston

  1. Thanks for the reply. Yeah I doubt they will sell them alone, which is why I was hoping they'd just send me one. I emailed MadCatz but they don't use email for support anymore so I made a ticket, but haven't heard anything back from them for a few days. Thanks again
  2. Hey guys, quick question, sorry if it's been asked before did a quick search and didn't come up with anything. Anyways, I've been using my Saitek Pro Flight Yoke velcro'd (sp?) to my desk now for about 3 years but am switching desks and need to use the clamp. Unfortunately I've misplaced the clamp and can't seem to find it. Really don't want to use velcro again as it becomes weak after moving the yoke on and off and crap and dirt gets under it easily. Was just wondering if Saitek sold the yoke clamp/screw as an OEM item or if anyone else has improvised clamps for the yoke. I made a ticket at the Saitek website a few days back asking if they sold/would send me a new one and haven't heard anything. Weston
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