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  1. Nicely worded, and precisely expressing one of P2A’s few missing links - optional random ATC constraint waiving, be it altitude and/or speed. Fabio
  2. Hi, There are numerous SID’s that have altitude constraints waypoint after waypoint, for instance some leaving Gatwick EGKK airspace, and I would like to know if there is a way to ask for clearance to climb through them? Traffic permitting, I might wish to climb through such restructions, but P2A quite correctly tells me to descend (which I don’t do). There is a P2A “at pilots discretion” for enroute descents, but I’m looking for an early climb (or step climb). Thanks, Fabio
  3. My best guess would be that the x64 variants of these files may be for future LM P3D V4 implementations. Perhaps this is an effort to minimise or control how FSX/P3D V1-3 aircraft are presently being successfully ported into P3D V4. We are possibly seeing a similar movement with regard to LM’s push for XML as opposed to CFG implementation files. The concept being to ensure developer AND user compliance to new standards in an effort to move away from legacy products. However, a cynic might interpret this as s drive towards costlier “Professional Series” only product management, if you see what I mean.
  4. I am wondering what the possibilities are of compiling a WXR gauge that is round? It would look nice in the DC8 and VC10, for instance. Fabio
  5. Hi, I am sorry, I should have been much clearer, and certainly didn’t mean to mislead. AS running with P3D V4 still propagates messages regarding available AS updates, so a natural inference is that the AS & ASCA updates are V4 & V4.1 compliant. I have your WXR installed in very many aircraft, and I haven’t upgraded P3D because of the potentIal issue of losing the WXR. I briefly browsed the AS forum but couldn’t see other “link” issues; did you create a post? Fabio
  6. Hi, Thank you - I find your 64-bit WXR gauge indispensable in my flightsim, and I use it on all aircraft that should have a WXR but don't. The P3D V4.1 update required an update from HiFi AS, but this seems to have broken the ROLASNRADAR gauge, as no link is detected. Is a gauge update needed? Thanks, Fabio
  7. kyle and Chris; Apologies where due, rule breaking unintentional, corrections to signature complete. Discourse regarding products was not meant to incite or be disrespectful, just a narrative expressing an opinion. I'm leaving your airspace now, away from your overhead, my business is done. Good luck with your XP venture.
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