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Everything posted by Bohemond

  1. Every week I buy at least one airport scenery and I just bought the Ifly 737Max, pre-ordered the TFDI MD-11 and even bought the CaptainSim 767 (on sale for $10, which was all I was willing to give them for it). I'm still on v5.4, but am getting tempted by v6.1. I'd like to continue supporting LM's effort; I appreciate them keeping flight simming alive when MS bailed on FSX.
  2. I did the same, submitted a support ticket, on release day.
  3. Yep! That's the answer! Thanks I'll purchase it. Thanks for all the programs you've written. I use the scenery configurator all the time keeping my scenery in order.
  4. How long is the trial period for P3D? I can't find any info about this. Thanks.
  5. Hi, Great program for P3Dv5 that provides a good alternative to FSUIPC. I installed it a few days ago and am currently using it for assigning key-presses to buttons on my yoke for use with PRO/ATC-X. While in-sim it disconnects every 15 min. or so. I'd like to use more of its functions (assigning axis, etc.), but until I solve the disconnection issue I can't. Any idea what the problem may be? Has anyone experienced this problem? I searched the forum, but found no related posts. I think I'll reinstall it now & see what happens. Thanks.
  6. I made that video a while back. One of the MilViz programmers told me later that to run through the checklist you can use your pc keyboard keys: ENTER - Enable a particular checklist. Up/Down Arrows: Scroll through checklist items. Esc - Exit from a checklist. I wasn't complaining. It was just too easy for me to understand! haha!
  7. Hey Everyone! MilViz just released their final unofficial beta for the King Air B350i. As a courtesy, I requested and received their permission to make this post. Anyway, here's a quote from MilViz posted today in their unofficial beta forum concerning the probable release date: "The final testing version has arrived. This version is expected to be a complete version of what 1.0.0 will be. The team has worked very hard over the last few weeks to iterate over and close a number of bugs in many areas and add remaining missing features. There may be a few minor bugs or issues in this build that will be solved before release but the product should behave as expected. As of now, release has been moved to December 19th, 2019. Over the next few days, we are looking to iron out and final snags in preparation for release. We anticipate a service pack at some point post-release to address issues discovered by the wider audience and we may expand some functionality with that update."
  8. Definitely nothing new or revolutionary here and, as I stated, it has been debated here for a long time. All I'm saying is it works for me. Seems to vary per system. Cya!
  9. Hey, Everyone! I thought I'd put my 2 cents worth in on a very hot topic here at Avsim concerning terminating micro-stutters. Many of you may already have tried this or do it now, but maybe some here haven't tried this simple fix. And it may not work for everyone. It's the "Disable Core 0 and Immediately Enable Core 0" procedure after starting P3D, so it's nothing revolutionary and it's probably well-known, I think. My specs are listed in my signature and I run P3D v4.5 HF2 at pretty much max graphical settings except for low shadow quality. Basically all my sliders are to the right including autogen (draw distance and quantity). In ASP4 I have it set to 20 cloud layers and 180nm draw distance. I'm also using FFTF Dynamic to dynamically adjust FFTF and it yields an extra 4 to 5 fps. Frames are limited to 30 with VSync on. My fps ranges, usually, between 20 and 30 which is good enough for me since I'm a "graphics lady of the night"! I stumbled upon this in an old post here by SledDriver: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/552330-p3d-multicore-usage-anomoly/page/3/ Also, I made a short video of how I go about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQV5jv9HCcs I hope this helps some of you and thanks to everyone at Avsim for all the help I've received on this forum.
  10. Sorry about the video link. I wasn't sure how to present it here. I'll try again. If I screwed up again, I apologize and will cease and desist. Thanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heOA2lksXUc
  11. Haha! I know! I just bought the PMDG NGXu last week!!! But the 67% discount upgrade price is really nice for the CRJ.
  12. Ok, Thanks Dave. I'm using PTA shaders. I'll try the alternate textures asap. Despite not using the correct textures, I think the bird looks great.
  13. Hi, Harry! Thanks! I'm not sure about saved states. I sure hope so. I haven't flown it, yet. But I will try to reload a FSUIPC autosave after I finish a flight. Cya!
  14. Hey, Everyone! I posted a 15 minute YouTube video on my channel which takes a quick look at AeroSoft's CRJ Professional. Here's the link:
  15. I bought the previous version through SimMarket, but this latest release, today, I bought through AeroSoft. At the bottom of your cart page is a Voucher box in which you can enter your key code that you received when you purchased the older version from SimMarket. The discount (67%) was immediately applied before executing the purchase.
  16. Downloaded, but now I have to go to work! 😞 21Euro upgrade price for me (no VAT, I guess). Can't beat that! The previews look really good. I thought the older version was excellent despite a few problems here and there...
  17. Well, thanks! It's not an 8700k or RTX2080TI. I guess it's impossible to keep up! But it supports a 4k monitor which is fantastic. Cya!
  18. Thanks, FDEdev, I just ran through the MFD checklist and, yep, you're right.
  19. That was my impression, too (unable to update the AIRAC). But I have been known to be wrong (many times, as a matter of fact!). In the previous beta, MilViz mentioned that they were working with Navigraph to implement the updating of AIRACs.
  20. Thanks, Guys! Yeah, it's really looking good. Milviz are working hard on it now to finish it up.
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