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About SKIPS2

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  1. Yeah, don't know why LM isn't for "real" fullscreen. I can't believe the perf i'm getting now...Flytampa's CYYZ locked @ 30fps + 30hz= Unbelieveble smoothness
  2. Problem Solved!!! Watched Rob's and David McClean's vids over @ YT and decided to take the 4k plunge. Upgraded to 4k monitor (Asus PB287Q) running @ 30hz. Stutters completely vanished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4k 30hz is a must for P3D imho because of its fake fullscreen that's why i believe there will always be a stutterfest even tho reaching good fps Regards, Dario
  3. Yea i know whatchu mean...same exact thing with me
  4. well..well. I bought two 850 Samsung EVOs 250 Gb (OS) & 120Gb (P3D) to see what happens...guess what It still stutters............... Maybe it's my 960SSC 2Gb idk, maybe 2Gb is not enough
  5. NickN suggested not to use NVI with P3D as it's not needed...so i discontinued using it. So yeah no SGSS to remove for me. I've been doing some testing only to realize that I only get this 2-3 sec stutter... then smooth problem on/overland not flying over ocean. Something to do with slow loading textures on land?? One more trick, I'll just buy an 120GB SSD dedicated for P3D and see what happens...if not I'm done for good.
  6. tried that also. my gut is telling me it's my HDD...may need to upgrade to SSD idk
  7. nicksort, tried that there are no fluctuations (stable). i thought u guys should also know , it's only the VC that has this 2sec stutter issue, Wingviews, view without VC no stuuters only VC
  8. nicksort- the taskmanager always shows P3D on top when sorted high to low...no other processes popped up....been at it for an hr There is something that's bugging me tho. P3D's website stated, "Solid State Drive (SSD) is strongly recommended"....i currently have a TOSHIBA 1TB mechinal HDD dedicated to both my OS & P3D tho I never had stuttering probs in FSX apart from the Mouse-Cursor frame Drop. I've spent wayy too much money on my PC and would really hate to know if I but a SSD its still stutters. Don't know what to do anymore.
  9. ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reinstall OS etc and still stutters. btw, I don't have EFB
  10. I usually defrag with O&O but this doesn't help in the least. I'm going to do fresh reinstall of my OS, change cables, reseat GFX card, RAM and see what happens. x fingers
  11. Turning off GPU TESS and Shadows still no joy. Thanks for sugg him225.
  12. DSR doesn't help and I tried shutting down Windows Search indexer and nothing. well i previously had a GTX 760 4GB but i sold it and bought this GTX 960 2GB SuperSuperclocked. I'm really stump with this. Guess I'm going to give up this hobby for a longgg while and there's no way I going back to FSX wid those mouse-cursor drops....sighhh Dario
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