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Randy Novak

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Everything posted by Randy Novak

  1. I am currently sitting in near earth orbit....Images over 200K file size deleted
  2. wow, yes, I do. I'll try that thank you.
  3. Oooh, those are quite nice... I also have Ground Environment and Flight Environment X from Flight 1... I take it this is something different?And is REX going to be compatible with FSX SP2? :) Don't make me dig out FS9.... :)
  4. Hey Everyone...It has been a while since I have piloted FSX. I heard the rumor of MS not supporting the franchise any longer and decided to give X-Plane a try... highly disappointing btw... So I have re-installed FSX after a long hiatus and again am having a great time flying... Currently on a flight from KORD to KLAX and on to Hawaii! :)My question is, after all this babbling, what addons MUST I have for FSX. I currently have picnic, treex, SP2 and the entire fsgenesis terrain set. Anything else I HAVE to be running for better performance or enjoyment?Thanks in advance!
  5. Here is an example of my issue....Problem is, its happening with all my added aircraft. :(
  6. Hey Everyone, I am new here so bare with me... I have been an FSX Pilot since its release, I have recently re-installed it with SP1 and then SP2 on a high end Vista 32b Home Premium edition. The problem I have is that any downloaded aircraft I try to use, the textures don't show on the model in the sim. I see the model, but its all white, no textures to it. Panels, and sounds, animations and the whole nine yards work fine, just no paint! :(Any ideas on this?
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