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Everything posted by aviatorx

  1. I've been on: (I don't get out much BTW)737-200737-600737-700CRJ200CRJ705CRJ700767-300757-200I've piloted: (not much, but I've only been flying for about a year)Cessna 152Cessna 172RV4Piper Cherokee 140Piper Navajo Cheers, Aaron Penner
  2. I saw some of those posts about the 757 without looking at the date and actually went to the PMDG website to see if they sneaked out a 757 while we were sleeping. Aaron Penner
  3. Yes, I think it's a different story in Canada.We have a lot of small airlines that fly up north. While the pay is not the best, they are hiring and it's a great way to build your hours. They usually make you work on the ground first. I know quite a few pilots for these small airlines and they say that the wait times to get into the right seat are becoming less and less and a fast rate. The demand for pilots is going up. I believe that part of it has to do with some of the people in this thread where they might have got half way, then quit. There are less and less people getting into aviation, and now we're having all the old pilots (who got into flying during the Cold War and such) retiring, I'm sure we will see a lot of positions opening up. Some could complain about the price, but as many have said, follow your dreams. If you like what you do, you won't work a day of your life. The money will come. Oh, and all the pilots (Canadian) I've talked to love their jobs, and I'm talking about pilots for small airlines flying up North and big airlines flying all over the world.Aaron Penner
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