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About JakeRogers

  • Birthday 12/22/1945

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  1. I noticed an old post of someone searching for a quality mission. I too am in search of them. Let me recommend a little known site, FSXMissionsHangar.com, which has MANY quality missions. Additionally it contains many hints and tutorials on the subject of "mission building". It's pretty much devoted to FSX as we wait for the Mission SDK from ASOBO for FS2020. FYI I recently posted a new mission here entitled UA328, designed around the actual flight wherre an engine was lost on takeoff. The plane ultimately circled around and landed safely wiith all fuel, passengers and cargo... an extraordinary achievement. Check it out and see how you do.
  2. I recently discovered FS-Recorder as an alternative to the squirrelly default of FSX. This one has some really nice features and works well. I write missions a lot and wanted to show multiple different aircraft landing at KHOU at 10 ninute intervals (real life). FS Recorder does the trick, BUT it saves files as frc extension, which is incompatible with FSX's "PlayFlightRecordingAction" using fsr files. Changing the extension doesn't work. Any ideas or advise are appreciated. See FS Recorder | FSXMissionsHangar.com if you wish to check it out for yourself(you'll have to register but it's free)... it's a real professional utility developed by Matthias Neusinger.
  3. There definitely is a simple and effective fix for this! You also do NOT have to turn off "Crash Detection" which overrides the realism for the ENTIRE mission. Go to FSXMissionsHangar.com and check out forums for AI Aircraft and enjoy this solution plus many more for FSX bugs. Jake
  4. I am working on a mission that involves a helicopter lift of an object (lifeboat). I tried coefficients from other liftable objects but they don't work with this model. When lifted the boats swings uncontrollably and crashes. I'm using FSX stock model "Veh_Greek_Fishingboat_05_Sm" with hoist point added. Can anyone explain or direct me to a source on the use of: translational damping ground rotational damping ground rotational stability air translational damping air rotational damping air rotational stability stability
  5. I hope I am in the right forum for my Question. I have written 5 missions using Cirrus Reward Creator, as well as BGLCOMP from the SDK to create my mission Rewards...now on mission 6, neither Bglcomp nor Cirrus Reward Creator will work. I did upgrade to Win7, but all else in the SDK seems to work...I have even reinstalled Win7 and Net Fremework 2.0, but nothing seems to help...when I launch CRC, I get: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" .Can anyone offer any help or advice?Jake
  6. Hi All,I am working a mission in FSXAcc and have downloaded the Weapons pack, by Chris Sykes and others. After days of troubleshooting to determine the cause of FSX Fatal Error, (fe.dll); I finally determined the crash occurs ONLY if I fire the missle...tried Agm-88c, 12-c, and Sky Flash and all cause a failure. When I substitute bomb_c, I experience no failure! The failure is predictable as it always occurs about 4 minutes after missle firing. Have tried alternate routes, but same result. I slew to a different area, but get same results!I am running Win7 with 4 gigs of memory and a dual core cpu. I have tried running in XP mode, Vista mode, as well as Win7, but all experience the faulure. Has anyone sucessfully used any of these missles in a mission? What FS vesion are you running? What system are you running? Any other advise or reference to offer? Many thanks for all Input.Jake
  7. Failure occurs during a mission that I am writing and at a predictable point in the mission after a bombing run. It does NOT occur if you bypass the bombing run. Any help or reference are appreciated. Thanks. Jake RogereHere's my event log:Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14Faulting module name: fe.dll, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb57Exception code: 0xc0000005Fault offset: 0x000acae0Faulting process id: 0x13f4Faulting application start time: 0x01caf42f8d5821e0Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exeFaulting module path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fe.dllReport Id: 8efcc6c0-6024-11df-87cf-001bb9dbc73c
  8. I've written several single user missions and would like to move up to Multi Player missions. I haven't been able to find any sources of information as to "How to" on this subject. Any advise or reference are greatly appreciated.Jake
  9. Time is not listed as a choice for a Property trigger, although most planes have a clock. The flight file specifies the start time for a mission. At a given point in the mission that is time variable, I need to know the time for an intercept waypoint. Short of adding hundreds of timer triggers, for an action that only one would trigger; has anyone figured out how to capture elapsed time for use in programming a mission? Thanks.Jake
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