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About RichUK

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  1. I have been away from MSFS a while and just starting enjoying it again. I am a little shocked that the water color is way wrong in certain areas of the world. For example, the river Thames and surrounding lakes and rivers are not sky blue in color in real life. We are talking tropical blue. This is true of many rivers and lakes etc. where they never appear that blue in real life anywhere in the world. Is there a way to change this, or is this something we are stuck with? I realize that they may be reflecting the sky, but that just isn't the way it looks in the air most of the time in real life. Sometimes it looks so bad I kinda want to turn it off lol! Thanks for any input. Rich.
  2. Yeah, I am not sure why I missed these up until now!
  3. Don't forget to check out his other videos. Just don't get too sucked in like I have over the last couple of days!
  4. For those that haven't seen these videos. Awesome narration, music and very well shot. Worth a watch..
  5. I have been here (I seem to remember) since the late 90's off and on, and I can't remember ever seeing a 'downvote' option. I wonder if this forum gets a little too contentious as it is. Folks calling others noobs and downvoting gives them yet more 'ammunition'. I know they would use it. We've have already seen similar. On topic - the more I think about it, the ability to walk up to your aircraft and perform a walk around isn't such a bad thing. The ability to bypass this would suit everyone too. I realize (as others have pointed out) that Asobo have enough 'core sim' stuff still to fix, but it is well withing the capabilities of other developers to make something like this. Orbx did it for for free for a previous sim.
  6. Actually, the fascinating question is how many more times you will write a reply on this thread complaining about how long the thread is?
  7. If people want to talk about it why shouldn't they? You can just ignore the thread and stop clicking on it..
  8. Like this thread is stopping progress. If it doesn't interest you, then you are free to move on. Like I said, I don't particularly care for the idea, but ideas are ideas, regardless of whether you like them. They cause no harm to MSFS and its progress.
  9. You used to enjoy the DC6, Bob. What happened? Isn't that an older aircraft?
  10. This isn't a level D sim. This is MSFS. In real life pilots have to do a walk-around. Real life is even more realistic than a level D. I can give or take a 'walking' feature, but it isn't unrealistic to think of a mode that simulates walking - correct camera angles without messing around too much etc.
  11. That is true, but there are obviously multiple developers of various skill-sets and types. I am sure someone will knock something together at some point without effecting the timeline of simulation and environment development.
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