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Everything posted by Ourgas2

  1. Hi all, I have mapped the X and Y axis to my joystick (Logitech attack 3). The problem is that with every small movement by the joystick the aircraft makes small movements up and down, like shaking. The inputs are not smooth and the aircraft is jumping around in the air. Any hint? Thanks, Chris
  2. It was directly from PMDG. What should I do to be able to see all my previous orders again? Christos Ourgas
  3. Did it. There are no orders of mine listed at "previous orders". Christos Ourgas
  4. Hi all, I have been away for some time and lost contact with this forum. Need some help to download the new, less memory using, 777. How do I go to eCommerce to download it? Thanks, Christos
  5. Hi all, All of a sudden I can not trim anymore the horizontal stabilizer above 1.0 degrees. Its stops there. It can go down, but as said, not above 1.0. Any hints? Thanks, Christos
  6. Thanks Jim, I had not done the search for similar topics and happened also not to see them. Anyway, it is sad that PMDG is not considering doing it. Christos
  7. Hi all, I have been following this forum for years and know that (almost ) all kind of airplanes were proposed for PMDG to make. I just wonder how much the interest would be from the FSX / PMDG community to see a classic such as the md-88 with the new glass cockpit that it will soon have on the Delta fleet. Personally I find it a fantastic opportunity for PMDG to consider making it. Your thoughts? Thanks, Christos
  8. Sorry guys, could somebody explain IAN to me? Yes, we are speaking about the T7 and not the 737. Thanks, Christos
  9. Ok, let somebody give me an example on how to fly the following VOR radial with the T7: Approach to the old VHHX (Kai Tak) airport, runway 13. According to the chart after reaching the CH (VOR/DME) you follow its radial of 270 degrees for 7 nm and then turn right to the SL (NDB). How do you follow the 270 radial of the CH VOR? Christos
  10. Now, as far as I understand from the above posts there is no such simple think to capture a VOR radial as on the MD-11? Strange. Don't the T7 pilots fly VOR radials at all? Christos
  11. Hi, How do you lock a VOR course insterted into the NAV of the FMC? Thanks, Christos
  12. Hi, Now, that the 777 has been released when can we expect to hear the first news about the 744 v2? Thanks, Christos
  13. Ok, I could finally run the update.exe file and this fixed the problem. Christos
  14. Hi, I get a message that the Operations Center has to be reinstalled. How can I do this? Download link? Thanks, Christos
  15. Hi, When starting from an cold and dark mode, the Caution light turns on but is not dissapering although pressing it. No messages at EICAS or elsewhere. Thanks, Christos
  16. Hi all, I noticed that upon touching down the landing gears are not leveling with the runway. Instead the landing gears continue to be in an angle with the runway and touch completely down only after some seconds after rolling on the runway. Can this be fixed to reflect more reality? (On take off it works perfect). Thanks, Christos
  17. Hi all, I am disconecting the A/P and the A/T at about 1500 ft from runway but I hear this disconection sound which does not stop. What is the problem? In the tutorial the landing is an autoland but I want to handfly her during finals. Thanks, Christos
  18. Hi all, I am disconecting the A/P and the A/T at about 1500 ft from runway but I hear this A/P disconection noise which I can not stop. What is the problem? In the tutorial the landing is an autoland but I want to handfly her during finals. Thanks, Christos
  19. Hi all, I am disconecting the A/P as well as the A/T at about 1500 ft from the runway but I hear this A/P disconect noise which I can't get rid of. What is the problem? In the tutorial the landing is an autoland but I want to hand drive it during the final phase. Thanks, Christos
  20. HI all, I would appreciate some help on this matter seen with the link below: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73363517/Threrhold%20crash2.png The aircraft seems to crash midair right above the threshold. This particular shot is the threshold of rwy 34R at KSEA. But it happens also on other airports. It happens almost exclusively with the MD-11. (The 737 NGX has no problem!!!). BTW: Is there any feature to smoothen the KSEA airport boundaries which are now suddenly elevated? (Aircraft carrier mode..) Thanks, Christos
  21. It was an old livery used very much used without problems until then. I don't know if this plays a role but the problem comes up only during "sunset times" as you can see also in the shot. I use REX and don't know if some graphics interfere in some way. During "daytime" there are no issues. !! Christos
  22. Hi all, Suddenly I get this strange problem in the 2D cockpit. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73363517/Problem.png Any hint? Thanks, Christos
  23. Hi all, Would just be very curious to know just how big the worldwide flight sim communtiy is. Are there any rough numbers about how many FSX were sold? Which countries are the "strongest" in this regard? I understand that there are the core simmers (myself included) using it a lot and as a way of life and those who just bought it... Christos
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