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Everything posted by bigcav

  1. I fly online with p3dv4. We set the time in the flightsim to the same time and we see the same ships in the same places. So if it works the same in 2020, then yes. you see them. bigcav
  2. Are you sure its installed ok and are you ship/boat traffic slider in P3d is set above 5%? There should be over 70 boats passing by KaiTak, plus p3d AI boat traffic. Bigcav These are some: 1,"Pedhoulas" 2,"Torm_Mette" 3,"Maersk_Djibouti" 4,"Joao_Candido" 5,"Thuringia_Empty" 6,"DS_Power" 7,"Maersk_Promise" 8,"BF_Leticia" 9,"Caroline_Schulte" 10,"Banzai" 11,"Manila_Express_Empty" 12,"Maersk_Niteroi" 13,"Tilda_Kosan" 14,"UASC_Doha" 15,"Torm_Mette" 16,"Doric_Freedom" 17,"Angelica_Schulte" 18,"Torm_Pacific" 19,"Senorita" 20,"Triumph" 21,"CMA_CGM_Respect_Empty" 22,"CSCL_Vancouver" 23,"Maersk_Nairobi" 24,"OOCL_St_Petersburg" 25,Beech_3" 26,"YM_Antwerp" 27,"CSAV_Rio_Illapel" 28,"Maersk_Fortaleza" 1,"Cap_Cleveland" 2,"Hafnia_Lupus" 3,"Huron_Halong" 4,"Maersk_Arkansas" 5,"Bulk_Brasil" 6,"Southern_Cross" 7,"Maersk_Alabama" 8,"Torm_Almena" 9,"Layla" 10,"Iron_Vassilis" 11,"Hector_N" 12,"Stadt_Wismar" 13,"MSC_Sinfonia" 14,"NYK_Floresta" 15,"Ocean_Shield" 16,"YM_Venus" 17,"Orion_Container" 18,"Greatship" 19,"STX_Mumbai" 20,"Frisia_Rotterdam" 21,"Barock" 22,"Key_Marmara" 23,"Cap_Coral" 24,"Marlin_Topaz" 25,"Cap_Palmas_Medium" 26,"Kristin_D_Wind" 27,"Arctic_Sunrise" 28,"Maunalei" 29,"Maersk_Deva" 30,"Grazia" 31,"Frisia_Rotterdam_Medium" 32,"Pona" 33,"jonas" 34,"Stena_Impression" 35,"Cap_Corrientes" 36,"Grand_Celebration" 37,"Cape_Flinders" 38,"Freja_Lupus" 39,"Caribbean_Blue" 40,"Gorch_Fock" 41,"Angimar" 42,"Rossini"
  3. Hello BobM download and install.... Global_AI_Ship_Traffic_V2.zip Loads and loads of ships round Hong Kong. Bigcav
  4. Simviation is where l got mine from. Yes it should run fine. This is the version you want...Global_AI_Ship_Traffic_V2 Dated: 06 October 2019. If you are interested in find the various ships I am bringing out and program at the end of January where you can go and find them. Bigcav
  5. Installed mine in to P3dv4 the old way...Simobjects/boats etc Scenery in to Scenery/world /scenery etc. No problem. works great.
  6. As of today there are 820 ships. I have screen shots of about 400 plus. Bigcav
  7. I get this sometimes if I change aircraft after starting a flight. bigcav
  8. So in short. Your method is the right way and doesn't work for what ever reason. Mine is the wrong way and does. Now it makes sense. Oh well cant stop and chat. Got A.I. ships to look for.
  9. Hello Sethos Not sure why you have installed it that way. May I suggest you undo everything you have done to install the program and try it the way I have installed mine. 1. Unzip the Zipfile to a folder. Gives you the following folders Effects Images Route maps Scenery Simobjects Sound Images and route maps are for information only. So... Open the "effects folder in your download. There are some files and a single folder which says "textures" Open up your flightsim so you have a list of folders. One of them says "effects". Open it. Copy all the files EXCEPT TEXTURES from your download effects into Effects in flightsim. Then copy the CONTENTS of the Texture file of your download into the texture file in effects. Open the "Simobjects" folder in your download. Copy the CONTENTS of "Animals" into Simobjects/animals in your flightsim . Copy the CONTENTS of "Boats" into Simobjects/boats in your flightsim. Copy the CONTENTS of "Sound" in your download to "Sound" folder in your flightsim. Now for the Tricky bit. In your download open Scenery/World/Scenery. Press Ctrl-A.. This should highlite all the docs. Press Ctrl-C.. This sets up the copy. Now go into your flightsim, there is a folder call "Scenery" Open it and scroll all the way to the bottom. There is a folder called "World" Open it and the are two folders.. One is called "Scenery" Open it. Now put your cursor anywhere in the opened window and right click. Then in the new window click"Paste" That should be that. Hope this helps. Regards Bigcav
  10. Try turning water detail down to below ultra. I have mine on medium and they work fine. Bigcav
  11. Hello Victor Sorry. Its not released yet. I'm waiting for the next update from Henrik so l can finish it. Bigcav
  12. Hello Victor In answer to your questions. 1) No, their hasn't been an update since July 2015, but I think Henrik will be releasing one soon. 2) I have done a program called "Ship locator". It contains an overlay for Google Earth showing all the routes and what ships can be found on each route. Together with this there is: A list of the ships names. How to locate them around the world. A time table of arrivals and departures for each ship on each numbered route. Below is a sample of one route Round Trip cycle: 8hours All times Zulu (GMT) SHIP : DEPART : ARRIVE : RETURN : ARRIVE : : : APPROX : DEPART : APPROX : 1,"Orla" : 00:00:58 : 03:19:07 : 04:00:53 : 07:19:02 : 2,"Portoroz" : 02:00:58 : 05:19:07 : 06:00:54 : 01:19:03 : 3,"Doric_Freedom" : 04:00:58 : 07:19:07 : 00:00:54 : 03:19:03 : 4,"BBC_Orinoco" : 06:00:58 : 01:19:07 : 02:00:54 : 05:19:03 : After Henrik releases the next addition of his program, I will update my "ship locator" and release it. Hope this helps Regards bigcav
  13. Sorry! Type or copy and paste these instead: 59 36'14. N 3 41'32. E (for the northern start/stop area) 57 24'38. N 0 57'58. E (for the southern Start/stop area) They are both out to sea, so there is no airport or city near by. Regards bigcav
  14. I think it may Have been the "Rowan Gorilla" its time table is this: Round Trip cycle: 24hours All times Zulu (GMT) SHIP : DEPART : ARRIVE : RETURN : ARRIVE : : : APPROX : DEPART : APPROX : 1,"Rowan_Gorilla" : 06:15:29 : 18:05:20 : 18:15:54 : 06:05:45 : Its start and finish points in Google Earth are: N59* 36.30' 40. E3* 41.21'43. I do have an overlay for Google Earth but it will not display correctly on this post. Regards Bigcav
  15. Vortex681 Sorry only just read your reply to my post. Thanks for the info. Will try it the weekend. thanks again bigcav
  16. Hello & help. I have been told you can move the Orbx and aerosoft files from FSX and put them in another drive using mklink/j method, removed the correct files from FSX etc.. Have tried it and cant get it to work. Must be doing something wrong. Can someone explain it to me in simple terms please? Have followed the instructions for using the "cmd" prompt route and typed in the correct paths. No joy. Have tried using Console2 with the same results. Typed it with spaces and without spaces. Using " marks and not. Some things amiss. Pulling my hair out! Bigcav
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