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Posts posted by level7

  1. i find the best setup for me is to use the default REXE textures and AS2012 for weather weather.


    install one app first and make sure to do the initial backup of the default FSX textures

    then install the second app and also do the initial backup of the default FSX textures (the order doesn't really matter)

    then open up REXE and install the default theme (or roll your own)

    close REXE and run AS2012 while FSX is open and it will inject weather

    you do not have to do anything in FSX

  2. just seems like the whole forum has changed and people don't seem to be as excited to post screenshots, info about new planes etc. kind of noticed it when they started banning screenshots containing non-orbx addons. and now with this attitude of "we're always right" seems like people have even less interest of contributing there. they just don't seem to have the community feel that they tried to show before when they had so much excitement building up for the PNW release. for example i rushed out to buy the "Limited Edition" PNW CD and yet the CD is still being produced. to some extent i feel bad for the developers under their employ who have to comply with these more rigid policies as well.i think in the flightsim business, having community support makes such a big difference and the excitement from the community generates the interest for new products.haha that being said i'll still buy their stuff if it makes sense for me. PCAviator was selling CRM at 30% off and PFJ is now 35% for a boxed copy.

  3. IMHO, Way better than some well known developer pumping out planes.. like it is coming out of a sausage machine.Just having rain effects make up the price of the plane not to mention all the additional functions that you might get at really top class developers..This is totally unreal. I would pay easily 3 times the price that I did pay for this kind of plane.
    lols hillarious but true! i don't really get what it is about the sausage maker ;)ant's stuff is an automatic buyjust wish he had some EZDok profiles
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