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  1. Damn, thats a real shame. Time too buy another copy I guess :( there goes a months pay!
  2. Geezs its already got lost in the shuffle. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. Im looking at installing it two different computers cause I live in two houses, is this possible or do I have to mess around with something.Any advice would be apprechiated, love the plane and really dont want to 'break' it. Also if I need to re-install it on one of my compuiters how many liecences do I get.Love The PlaneCheers
  4. Im looking at installing it two different computers cause I live in two houses, is this possible or do I have to mess around with something. Any advice would be apprechiated, love the plane and really dont want to 'break' it Cheers
  5. Let us be enthusiastic, no need to kill the spirit :)
  6. Hi AllAs some airport the FSX top menu become un-readable and all my textures goes all wonky and looks funky.I have attached a screen shot the opposite also happen to this when everything goes large and blury
  7. Digging up an old topic I know but was a solution found to the landing gear issue as I am still having issues and really would like to fix it
  8. As a member of California Air I would like to welcome you aboard and if there is anything that I can do to help feel free to reply here or post on the forums.Sam
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