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Posts posted by stretch1365

  1. Hi all,


    Returned to my MD11 recently after a short spell away, checking out A2A's products and PMDG's 737, it still amazes me how the MD11 compares to these newer products!


    Well went for a flight today and landed in the dark, something I try to avoid if possible! I noticed the landing lights didn't illuminate the runway! yes they are set in FSX to do so. I started reading through some of the posts here, which said that REX can effect the MD11's lights. Ah I thought, check other aircraft first, yep it's just the MD11! Then I read the post about light cones and which way were they pointing! So I checked this and found the landing lights were working but pointing at say 30 degree's away from the aircraft across the grass. Using my FSX keyboard command guide, I realised you can adjust the landing lights in tilt and pan using the CTR+SHIFT+ NUM PAD 2,4,6,8,5 ie down, left, right, up and centre. Except that the lights on the MD11 seem to move like this, 2 left not down, 4 up not left, 6 down not right, 8 right not up and 5 should be centre and points the light's off across the field again. Also it seemed that alot of the light cone was actually coming from the right hand landing light, as sitting in the cockpit and not from both. Not the best lights to land with, and not very bright!


    I set the lights as best I could on the runway, yes it is just achievable, and exited FSX thinking the setting might be saved but on reloading FSX I found I was back at square 1. Can anyone suggest what I should try next to get the MD11's Landing lights back on the runway all the time!


    Thanks for any advice,


    Happy flying

  2. Hi all,


    Thanks for the link to the download, I was looking the other day on all the sites and nothing came up doing the usual repaint searches.....................It amazes me how these things manage to get hidden in these forums, lol. Actually I did find one link but it wouldn't work.......Cristiano thanks for this link it worked first time.


    Thanks for your help guys, I think I might go flying now and try this out,


    Happy Flying.

  3. Hi all,


    I've just been watching a program on TV about the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital's DC 10, and was wondering if there is a repaint for the PMDG MD11 of this unusual aircraft. I saw a picture of a repaint somewhere on a forum but not sure it was available to everyone to download.


    Figured it might be a good excuse to fly to some out of the way places!


    Thanks for any help.

  4. Hi all,


    I've noticed just lately that the forum here has gone very quiet! Well quiet in the sense that there doesn't seem to be any PMDG staff with any snippets or updates on future projects appearing in here.


    While I quite understand the problems caused with folks incessantly begging just before the release of the 737NGX, and I'm sure you don't want the same thing to happen just before the release of the 777. I also fully understand the fact that PMDG are probably very busy and won't be persuaded to give any release dates for future projects either, that's not what I'm writing this post for!


    I wonder if the PMDG staff are staying away, just so they aren't continually barraged with requests for when is this or that being released.


    While I saw the external pictures of the 777 recently on here, very nice too........I was more taken by the pictures of the DC6, which I know is even further away from being finished, that plane really does look wonderful, FSX is defiantly short of good quality propliners! I was wondering if there is scope on the forum for a regular update post, say every month or two, with maybe a new picture of each product in development to go with it. This would keep everyone interested in your progress and stop folks asking for details all the time. As we would know when the next update was due, and look forward to the next enticing picture of that next much longed for hanger acquisition there would be less chance of folks asking for details and release dates all the time. This would save alot of trouble for the PMDG staff too.


    So there you have it, that's my idea to keep us all interested in what your doing, which I think I can say we all are, without you having to keep answering the same questions all the time too!


    Thanks again for developing some of the most wonderful creations flying in FSX to date, and long may they continue.


    Happy flying.

  5. Hi RCITGuy,


    So after spending two very frustrating days trying to get the Saitek software to work as Mixture/Prop/Throttle and Spoilers/Throttle/Flaps and getting nowhere, I decided to follow you and buy a copy of FSUIPC. All I can say is, wow! It's so easy to set up any button on Yoke, Throttle, my old Joystick to work any control in FSX.................So I am now a happy bunny again and just waiting for that second throttle quadrant to arrive that's on back order, ggggrrrrr.............Hopefully should be here tomorrow...........then I will be able to set up some truly wonderful settings and things will be working as close to the real thing as I'm ever going to want them to be.


    My flying is improving no end with a Yoke too.


    Anyway thanks for the reply, I hope you get your settings sorted out as you want them.



  6. Hi all,


    Interesting question.


    A few years ago when I moved from FS2004 to FSX I was most impressed with PMDG's products, first the 747-400 then the MD11, followed by the JS4100 which was an interesting change to the norm of large commercial jets. Then came the 737NGX and the bar rose higher still...............I have all four of these in my hanger and they all work very well indeed, such depth of systems and such wonderful virtual cockpits and exteriors.


    The most wonderful thing for me, in our hobby, is the chance to try out new aircraft and adventures. Recently I flew from the Shetlands UK, to Spitsbergen Norway, recreating the flights of RAF Coastal command in WW2 using the Aerosoft CatalinaX. Then the next day, flew A2A's Spitfire and the day after, their Mustang, then the 737NGX the A2A B377 and the list goes on. Each day is a new experience.


    So for me I would have to say we already have some great Jets and I'm most looking forward to a PMDG quality Propliner, cargo or passenger, doesn't matter............Something that would at last be an equal to A2A's Stratocruiser but in real life was longer lived.


    So for me it would have to be 1, DC6..............2, 777 and 3, 747-400

  7. Hi RCITGuy,


    Ok so I did it, and splashed out on the Proflight Cessna yoke and pedals, with an extra throttle quadrant to give me six levers.


    Woohoo your right, it really does make a difference to your control of the aircraft. I am like you and fly Boeings and Cessna's really cool, I've also kept my Thrustmaster HOTAS stick connected for flying A2A's Spitfire, Mustang and cub really cool now!!!!


    I'm interested in your setting jet throttles with spoilers, throttle and flaps and your Prop throttles with Mixture, prop and throttle settings.................Have you used FSUIPC for this or the Saitek sst software, as I can't get that to work properly on my set up. I have set up the Keystrokes properly in the Saitek software but they don't seem to translate into actions in FSX.


    Interesting to see your using Accu Feel as I have that too, I just love the creaks and groans in my old aircraft.


    Happy Flying.

  8. Hi RCITGuy,


    Thanks for the reply, I was beginning to think nobody was at home!


    Interested in your comments with regards using FSUIPC I don't have it installed on my PC, I thought about it once for controlling the weather in FSX but then went down another path and bought REXEssentials instead.


    What kind of Yoke do you use? and how does it compare to using just a joystick? Does using a yoke really improve the experience of FSX so much more than a joystick?


    Very interested in your thoughts on this subject.



  9. Hi all,


    I've been recently thinking of taking the plunge and getting the Saitek Yoke and Rudder pedals, instead of just using a Thrustmaster HotasX Joystick which I have used quite successfully for the last few years. I would be looking at the Saitek Cessna range as I would like something realistic. I understand from reading the threads here that the Cessna range are made slightly better than the Pro-Flight range from Saitek and are better than the CH products. What do the rest of you think about these?


    My other query is regarding the use of the Throttle quadrants, I understand that by having 2 throttle quadrants I can set up two engine props with throttle, prop pitch and mixture for both engine one and two, which is great but I don't always fly twin props...........Sometimes I fly 4 engine props, and Jets with two, three or four engines. Is it possible to have saved throttle quadrant settings for each of these aircraft that are automatically set up whenever I fly that particular aircraft? What do the rest of you do?


    Thanks for any useful comments,


    Happy Flying.

  10. I need to get a life... I think that was part of the modification program Swissair initiated in 1999 or 2000. I remember reading that there were cameras/heat sensors installed in the attic above the cabin and other areas. These were supposed to give the crew an earlier indication that a fire or smoke existed.

    Yeah they show the system they installed working in the Swiss Air DVD, as the Captain is crawling around the avionics bay showing the viewer what all the electronics in each box control does, quite amazing.........to see the captain on the thermal image as he demonstrates the system............Just makes you wonder why they didn't just install FSX and PMDG's MD11, seems to do all the same things at a fraction of the cost lol..................Just joking :huh:

  11. Hi all,


    Interesting thread.................I have the 747V1 the 737NGX and MD11..............Out of the three the MD11 gets the most use, usually in freighter mode...............I have found the same as Pilottj that the graphics on the MD11 are not so clear as the new 737NGX but then again it runs alot better on my mid range system than the 737..............and the systems modelling on the MD11 is alot more interesting to learn about than the 737 too! Such a great plane to fly.......................The 747, well that is kind of mothballed at the minute as the MD11 is just so good that I never want to fly the 747, and doesn't actually run as well on my system as the MD11. So in my book while the 737 is undoubtedly a fantastic achievement in graphics, systems modelling and pushes the bar up again in fsx add ons, the wonderful MD11 still gets my vote.


    One other thing someone mentioned the MD11 safety record not being very good................If anyone has the Swiss Air MD11 dvd they mention a fire in the avionics bay on one of their aircraft and they show you the thermal imagining system installed afterwards to monitor the heat in that bay on all Swiss Air MD11's.


    Anyway, great plane developed at a time when money and economies were starting to be more important than great products......................................Not only that, but it's great to try flying something a bit different.


    happy flying.

  12. HI,


    I have recently tried experimenting with seaplanes in FSX, but coming from the UK there doesn't seem to be any water runways in the UK, well not in FSX anyway.


    I was hoping to find water runways and or scenery for Southampton water where Imperial Airways operated from or RAF Coastal command bases around the coast anywhere.


    I did find something on another forum called "Transatlantic Clipper Water Runways" which installs water runways in Southampton, Ireland, Canada and America, but doesn't actually show anything scenery wise in FSX. It's just a location to load a start place in free flight.


    I have found some scenery for Calshot which is the place in Southampton Water that Imperial Used to use but it's scenery for FS9 not FSX.................Would this scenery work in FSX or not?


    Thanks for any advice or help anyone may have, as it seems a shame not to be able to use flying boats properly in FSX.



  13. Hi all,


    I'm using FSX with UTX, GEX and FEX and UK2000 scenery which all work very well and I'm pleased with the results I get. I also like flying GA aircraft and the more detailed product from A2A and PMDG.


    I have noticed especially flying the PMDG 737NGX that when at high altitudes I get some very erratic weather fluctuations, I should say I have real world weather set and winds aloft with updates every 15mins set in FSX too. but I notice massive sudden swings of the wind sometimes over 90 degrees and huge variation in wind speeds too, which can't be realistic surely!


    While I enjoy having the weather set for "real world" I'm wondering if there are any weather programs out there that will do a better job than FSX? I have been looking at Active Sky and REX so far, but want something that will allow me to still use my existing UTX, GEX and if possible FEX products without any problems. One thing I notice is that REX gives you new runway and taxiway textures, grass and water textures too. How does that react with GEX and FEX and UK2000?


    I read a review on here about REX which said little problem with frames/second this is important to me as my computer is only mid level, works fine now but I'm not looking to slow it down any more really! So I have to be careful what I install.


    So if anyone can suggest anything to replace FSX weather with something more realistic, but still realtime, which works anywhere in the FSX world then I'd really like to hear what your ideas are!


    Thanks again for any suggestions.


    Happy flying!

  14. Hi all,


    Just a small question about something that happened the other day, which has probably been asked time and time again but I can't seem to find it here.


    I recently downloaded a freeware aircraft for my hanger and when I ran FSX the aircraft is there, with panels sounds and all but the view out of the windows is black, only when in the Virtual Cockpit it would seem. Is this a consequence of an aircraft being converted by someone to run in FSX from FS9 or not? This only happens with this one aircraft not any of the other myriad aircraft in my hanger.


    I seem to recall a post here somewhere that mentioned this problem and the answer was a fix on the Aerosoft site but I looked once and couldn't find anything.


    Can anyone help fix this or is this aircraft consigned to the back of the hanger and the recycle bin!



  15. Hi Kyle,


    Thanks for your reply, I use Flight Environment X but I think that it only draws clouds and weather themes using the default FSX weather................Maybe I should investigate ActiveSky further, I have an unregistered version of FSUIPC that came with Quality Wings 757, but it doesn't alter the weather I'm thinking.


    I'll have a look at the link you gave me, thanks for that. I have to admit that my fuel planning usually only goes as far as adding an amount of fuel then completing the route on the FMC and using the progress page to see what it says the remaining fuel will be at the destination..........Not very scientific and a bit of guess work but I haven't run out yet.


    Again thanks for your interesting comments.


    Happy Flying,

  16. Hi all,


    Thanks for the comments, mmm The blue line is and indication of the position of the throttle quadrant on my joystick, isn't it? As I understand it, didn't PMDG add that at the request of us simmer's so that you know the position of the throttles on the aircraft in relation to your own hardware throttle when you disconnect the autothrottle?


    As I understand it, you should be able to approach the runway using autopilot to control the airspeed and with your joystick throttle closed as the program is using the autopilot settings. Similar to how you control the speed using the PMDG MD11. once you take off you close the throttle until you have landed, if your doing everything auto!


    In the picture I posted, the autothrottles were at almost 100% because of the crazy head winds of nearly 60knots I wonder if this is the problem, the weather in FSX?


    Oh sorry about the excess fuel, I just set it on 1/3rd full and the flight is only an hour.................Well at least I had enough to fly the next leg without refuelling


    Thanks again for your comments I'll see what happens when I next try the 737NGX!



  17. Hi all,


    Just spent some time flying the NGX and have come across this problem with the Autothrottles. I have posted about this before recently but it doesn't seem any better, this time I have made some notes.


    So flying from Geneva, Switzerland to Birmingham, United kingdom at 30 000ft and in VNAV and LNAV the speed bug was set in the FMC at M.790 or 300KIAS but as you can see from the attached picture the speed tape is showing over 319KIAS and the "overspeed" warning was intermittently going off. Really annoying. At one point it seemed as if the overspeed warning was going off once every two seconds for about one second, almost like a heart beat, made me wonder if that might be computer linked, ie like some counter or timer upsetting FSX! Just a thought, although I'm not sure how to check what else could be running at the same time.


    I had weather set to "real world updated every 15mins" in FSX and "Download winds aloft data with real world weather" and "Disable turbulence and thermal effects on the aircraft" were both ticked in FSX too. I noticed that even with these ticked the aircraft was still buffeted quite considerably during flight. This was even worse during decent, but I had started the decent early and slow and the aircraft managed to hold speed ok, although it wasn't in FMC Mode during decent!


    One other thing I noticed during approach was that as I reduced the speed using the MCP I found the speed would slow down but then the throttle wouldn't engage to bring the power back up as the speed bug setting was reached, even reaching stall buffet the throttles never came back automatically and in the end I flew the approach using manual throttles. So the throttle on my joystick works ok at least.


    So if anyone has some good ideas on how to solve this problem I'm all ears!


  18. Hi Peter,


    Thanks for the reply, I'll try and look out next time I have time to fly the 737NGX.........Although the other day I flew the MD11 for about 3 hrs and the same thing happened on approach, Fortunately the MD11 is fitted with stall protection and that kicked in to protect the approach speed!


    This made me wonder if it's something to do with my sim, or maybe just the fact that it happens when I haven't used a particular aircraft for quite a while....................A while back I had to do a complete re-install and the weather at altitude went all wild with huge variations but now after a few weeks it seems to have calmed down, almost like these problems sort themselves out given the chance!


    I don't know really but I'll just have to go flying again this weekend and see what happens.


    Thanks again.



  19. Hi all,


    Took the 737NGX for a spin the other day, and during approach I noticed the following happening.


    As I followed the approach, this one being fully automated, as I wanted to watch what happened, but the same thing has happened before flying an ILS approach manually too, with speed controlled by the autothrottle system. I noticed that as I slowed down using the speed control on the MCP panel, the autothrottle would reduce the engine power as expected, I would watch the speed drop to the speed selected. Then as the selected speed was passed the throttles wouldn't increase to build the speed back up again!.....................This usually occured at somewhere about 1000-2000ft altitude on my approach not miles away from the runway, and at slow speeds and nearly full flap settings.


    This seemed a bit strange, my joystick throttle would then not work until the stall protection cut in and suddenly went to full throttle and the aircraft climbed rapidly which made landing impossible.


    I'm sure this didn't happen a while back but I can't think that I have changed anything recently to make this happen.


    I had a look on here first to see if I could see any similar comments which might answer my query.......but didn't.


    Hope someone here can spot if I'm doing something wrong or if it's a snag with my 737! Hopefully it's the pilot not the plane!



  20. Hi all,


    Well an interesting thread about the PMDG forum.


    In my opinion the forum is worth it's weight in gold, as I've been flying PMDG a number of years now, and while I read the manual's that come with the aircraft there is always something that you won't find in the manual. One instance I recall a while back concerned the MD11, and while ok if you landed manually following the ILS if you landed using the Autopilot when you turned off the runway the rudder would go full left or right trying to return you to the centre line. It was only after coming here I found out you have to dis-engage the Autopilot manually on landing to taxi to the gate. That's just one instance of how useful the forum can be. I found the answer from someone within 24hrs of posting a comment here, and that may have helped someone else too. I don't recall see that problem anywhere in the manual either.


    While I agree that the post's that say, PMDG should develop on of these, or this or that because!, can become boring and repetitive, it doesn't seem that there is any point in these post's, but on the other hand, I guess PMDG use these to get an idea of what the simmer's out there want in the future.


    So it seems there is a point to all these posts after all. Maybe the point of this thread should be to ask people to post their comments in the correct place, or maybe re-organise the forum so there is a wish list page for stuff PMDG haven't made yet and the other pages dedicated to a particular product have a support page and a general comments page.


    I don't know, I come here to see the posts and see what's going on in the sim world, I don't know anything about organising forums or web content, the above are only my views.


    Happy flying all.


    David Phillips

  21. Hi Ken,


    I agree with Martin-W's advice above.


    I have FSX running in the main "C" drive not in "program files x86" and have no problems at all.


    Windows7 64bit works fine and so long as you re-install everything correctly, and don't just copy files to your hard drive from an external hard drive you should be fine. I think personally it's a better system than XP now I have got used to it. Don't forget your learning a new operating system and things work differently.



  22. Hi all,


    Well apart from the MD11 flying wonderfully, I love the system's in the MD11 too, fantastic!!! Things are just that little bit different from the run of the mill Boeings and Airbus' that you see in FSX. I think it's a grand lady and still up there at the top of the PMDG list along with the 737NGX and J41.


    While everyone seems to hanker for a re-make, I remember in the Aerosoft Conference video of Robert's talk, him saying the MD11 wasn't that popular either in real life or Sim world. So I think a re-make is unlikely. However 2 thought's spring to mind, the first everyone else doesn't realise what they are missing out on.


    Secondly, at least the MD11 has full systems functionality and with the slightly older graphic's it isn't system resource hungry like the 737NGX and I fear the 777 will be too. Which is great if your running older machines, which alot of people are still doing. Not everyone can afford to upgrade or buy another PC when a new top of the range aircraft appears, as wonderful as these new creations in the virtual world are.


    While everyone wants their favorite aircraft to appear in as high a detail as possible, I feel we should be thankful for the MD11 of the quality that we do have and lets remember PMDG can only do so much.......................Maybe the question should be, do we want upgrades of existing aircraft or new previously unseen aircraft? Variety is the spice of life they say!!!


    While alot of folks might disagree with my thought's they are just that, my own thoughts and at the end of the day PMDG have their product development mapped out for a number of years I would guess. So I guess we will all have to sit and wait with baited breath to see what the future holds for our virtual hangers.


    Great forum all the same,



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