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About N325NS

  • Birthday 07/25/1967

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  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska
  • Interests
    Aviation, Flight Sim, Fishing, Outdoors

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  1. Not to park it, but to activate the jetway control.
  2. I had no idea that the jetway would extend to my aircraft (FSX). So now that it appears it should I have tried parking on the yellow "T" and it isn't making a difference. After a brief look through the control options, I don't see a key command option for this. Am I missing something? Cheers, Jeff
  3. Mike, I think you have the most likly answer, I also experienced this issue yesterday afternoon for the very first time. I had everything set up correctly in the FMC and the VREF speeds would not transfer to the tape no matter how many times I clicked them. Just to satisfy my own curiosity I departed, since I knew what the references already were, and found that VNAV would not intate either. I closed everything out and re-started and flew 3 more consecutive flights without the error re-occuring. I use my preferred panel state for each flight and think that something just hiccuped in this particular case and a reset did the trick for me. Cheers, Jeff
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