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FS Hub

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  • Birthday February 18

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  1. copy-paste X-Plane info from the last topic is news? Again disappointed PMDG! I always love PMDG, but not their 'announcements about the announcement of the announcement very shortly'.
  2. So, we can expect some preview screenshots for X-Plane soon? What about the 747 for X-Plane?
  3. RSR said that they will bring 737NGX, 777X and 747X to X-Plane.
  4. We all don't know. Maybe Kyle is that kind to tell it us? -_-
  5. Shadows? That's a default feature in X-Plane .... -_-
  6. I think it's indeed the pogo stick, not joking The secret 'project' is just that pogo stick as a PMDG joke but the real surprise will be the products ^^
  7. The surprise is that there will be a surprise! Or, the surprise is that we will get 1 preview screenshot The surprise is the release of 737NGX, 777X and 747v2 in same release period ^^ (I hope..)
  8. Pictures is what we need Kyle! Pictures of PMDG in X-Plane 10 I need this 747v2 of PMDG for X-Plane :ph34r: , and 737NGX as well. And 777 ^_^
  9. PMDG announced an announcement! Waiting for the first preview shots!
  10. Finally! That's a small relief and sounds promising.
  11. I hope they will deliver the 747v2 for X-Plane 10 a.s.a.p. Will be amazing :rolleyes:
  12. No.. FSX was that perfect out of the box you wanted to say? - In X-Plane World we already welcome PMDG by the statement: 'PMDG announced an announcement'
  13. I did not even read this. Just did ctrl+f 'X-Plane' but nothing .. :huh: <_<
  14. So PMDG, after FSX:SE, P3D... what's the news for X-Plane huah? B)
  15. ... and X-Plane! ... and then I will be returning my attention full time to getting the P3D version of the 777 into beta testing, and the 400v2.0 of course, and...and...and....
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