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Everything posted by wchambers

  1. Stunning...awesome...wow! Great - thanks. Made my day. Will Chambers
  2. Assign another button on your yoke as "precision mode." That seems to slow TrackIR down to where you can set course, heading, or anything like that. Pause works well too. I read all posts here before diving into TrackIR, with, I must admit, much skepticism. I thought it was just something I was going to have to live with with PMDG making an even larger step towards ending use of 2D panels. Wow - I was wrong. I am hooked and cannot figure out how I ever flew without it. Feel like a complete idiot for not having it sooner. Realism is incredible. Thanks to everyone here who recommended it. Will Chambers
  3. Eric,When you get back to your computer - I would really appreciate seeing exactly how you set the throttles in your PFC quad. I have an old Jetliner console from PFC and performance is sketchy. I have attempted to follow Pete Dowson's instructions of basically assigning it a non-operating profile in the PFC dll then trying to define the axis in fsuipc. I think Pete's instructions were to send the axis to fsuipc for calibration, which I have done and calibrated them. Once back in FSX however, I get only intermittment and jerky performance. I am presently installing a new serial adapter in my computer try an improve performance. Thanks. Will Chambers
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