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About deadlyinertia

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  • Birthday 10/16/1996

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  1. I believe development started in FSX, but was ultimately finished in XP10. It was actually brought to attention in a recent post if you can bother to find it.
  2. I'd love to see the NGX rendition in X-Plane. That would be lovely.
  3. Coincidentally as we speak FlyJSim just released a video promoting their 727 'v2' which will be available next week for purchase.
  4. Hey Teo, I do not believe PMDG has intentions to continue along the lines of retro aircraft the DC-6. They made it primarily to aid their transition into X-Plane. Modelling such an aircraft with not much system integration etc was a huge advantage on their part. I am speaking from personal opinion, but X-Plane 10 has a really well modeled 727 and 732 Twin Jet from FlyJSim. Both of these airliners are fantastic additions to the simulator. IXEG's 733 is also a step up in terms of system integration from the era of the Twin Jet and the 727, but definitely still a notch below what you'd expect from aircraft such as the NG lineup.
  5. The 'NGX' is a completely different product to the 'NG' that was in FS9. The 'NGX' is version 1 of this airplane, and I'm sure any modifications to the existing NGX will deem it version 2.
  6. I can share all of your experiences. Definitely a breath of fresh air indeed! With regards to the interface, I agree - it definitely is rough around the edges but once you understand what you're doing it's as intuitive as it could be.
  7. Ah okay, that is clear - it does make sense. Thanks for the response Rob. All the best with tomorrow's release.
  8. Good day guys, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday. :smile: I have been an X-Plane user now for some time and I am extremely delighted to be alive to witness PMDG's ventures with the sim. With the impending release of the DC-6, I am now curious about PMDG's potential future on the platform. Although I have read countless times that the company indeed plans to continue on the platform, I am more interested in feasibility. What hurdles have the team overcame in their endeavors? Is it a drastically time consuming process to develop for both platforms simultaneously? How different has the development process been for both platforms? I'm also interested in knowing if the team sees parallel (with regards to time and product type) development for both simulations in the upcoming years, or should we expect more of a branched approach, where porting a product from one sim to another is the more efficient route. These questions are particularly interesting to me since I have spent some time developing my own addons in X-Plane with more efficiency than other sims, such as FSX and its derivatives. Thank you in advance,
  9. How has the development on the X-Plane platform been for the PMDG team? I know before setting out on this endeavor the team expected some difficulties (or perhaps, challenges when working with the unfamiliar platform) - how were they handled, and do you see the XP platform being a feasible platform for development in the future? I am very interested as I have made the switch to X-Plane some time ago, and I cannot look back now.
  10. That line gave me chills. Imagine having to accept your fate like that in real life. After going inverted without control surface operational there's not much you can do, imagine just giving up like that in real life guy? That's chilling.
  11. Manual A/T override is set to NEVER
  12. Yup SPD Mode was active for me too (highlighted on the PFD in pic), still no response.
  13. Hi Mr. razb787, you didn't specify specifications of your PC, but I'll assume you're using an NVIDIA card. If you are, take a look here to optimize FSX graphically. Also use the Anisotropic filtering in the Display settings of FSX.
  14. This happened to me the other day. The A/T did not respond to the decrease in IAS and did not bother to try holding the speed set in the speed window, which was VREF + 5 knots. It remained at idle while approaching the amber line, I think it was because of changing wind during the final. EDIT: the A/T never commanded idle thrust, but it seemed to maintain about 50% N1 regardless of a decreasing IAS So, I responded by deactivating A/T which isn't recommended during normal landing procedure, and manually controlled throttle input for the last portion of landing;
  15. I can confirm no crashes still after this, Did LAX - LHR as well as JFK - LHR all without issue!
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