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  1. Thx Mr Randazzo and thanks Leffe.. it was the global texture, that, i don't know why, went down...Thx you so much...Nicola Di Martino
  2. Hi all, since today i'm experiencing low quality texture in VC.. as you can see in the pic... in the performance manager i've the high quality enabled... How can i resolve thi issue..Thx all,Nicola Di Martino
  3. It's strange but to me it didn't never work... someone could explain me why??Nicola Di Martino
  4. HOw do you save a flight?? Do you use autosave or something else?? Thank u..
  5. Thx sir.. it works... but however it isn't normal.. i hope they fix this issue in the upcoming sp1...
  6. Hello... my issue is the following: i start up in cold and dark state... and obviously i hear no sound of running engines... but when i move to an outside camera view and then i come back in the cockpit i hear the sound of the engines running... but the aircraft is still no powered... why?? I've the hotfix 3 installed.. Thanks...
  7. To ne the freeze of the PFD, the ND and so on, occurs when i' m in short final... The plane starts descending but i can't see the GS moving down.. So i have to' pop up the PFD and follow the descent in this way..
  8. The same to me.. But when i click for ex. on the PFD to' let it popup this isn't frozen.. And i can land in this way.. Is it the same for you?
  9. But when u talk about "freezes" you refer to' the fact that the screens don't update themselves.. Or you refer to another thing?
  10. Hello, two times today i've had this problem, while in the final approach, the screen of the PFD, ND and lower DU frezes... i continued my final descent but the screene remained the same.. if i clicked on them to popup i saw it moving while on approach (for example i saw the altitude go down) but in VC i saw the screenies frozen.. Why? Thank u..
  11. It seems that in the introduction manuals it is written that are 4 four panel state: cold and dark, long turn, short turn and ready for take off... but i find only the first three... is it a my problem?Thx...
  12. page 0.00.100 of PMDG-737NGX-Introduction... wheel chocks removed....
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