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  1. Hi everyone, I recently tried the demo of the Flight Monitor and now I'm thinking about buying a license. But there's one thing that puzzles me a bit. In the raw data graph I can see that my landing rate at the touchdown point was around -250ft/m. The info box shows + (?) 39ft/m. I don't get behind these different values. Maybe someone can explane this to me? And is there some way to read out the g values at touchdown? Thanks a lot in advance! Kind regards Daniel
  2. Hello everyone, during the climb phase I noticed a "Packs" message on the status page in the lower display unit. It appears around FL260 and disappears after a few seconds. I guess this happens on the real thing too, otherwise you wouldn't have this modelled. I'm curios what causes this behaviour becaus the EICAS shows no failures at all. Maybe someone can shed some light here. Thanks in advance!!
  3. Hi Captains, I've noticed a strange behaviour of the FTX Global Night Lighting in P3D v3 and I wonder if you have this issue, too. While buildings and trees slowly fade in when reaching the LOD_Radius this autogen fading doesn't seem to apply to the night lighting. The 3D lights are just popping in as big blocks within close vicinity to the aircraft. This is very noticable at road lights. When I look around the aircraft, the 3D lights disappear randomly within the LOD_Radius. Did you also notice this behaviour or were you able to get this right? Thanks a lot!! Daniel PS: I forgot to mention that I have Vector and OpenLC Europe installed, too.
  4. Hey FS2Crew team, I'm a very happy user of your products for the NGX, the 777 and now the Airbus. Today I noticed that the F/O doesn't change the above/in/below setting of the TCAS. Maybe it isn't in the Airbus SOP's but it feels like the F/O actually should do this. There is also no hint in the manual. Can you tell me wheter the F/O or the C/P? I also noticed that my F/O never sets the crono on on takeoff ... Edit: I didn't notice that the chrono is the captains task ...
  5. Awesome! Thanks a lot!
  6. Same problem here. FS2crew doesn't recognize "select alitiude intervene". This can be an issue when flying online and working with initial climb altitudes. Maybe this can be fixed in V1.1 ...
  7. I'd like to chime in here regarding some lights that the FO doesn't turn off. When doing my final turn to parking position I usually say "taxi light off" lest dazzling the ramp agent. But for some reason the FO leaves the runway turnoff lights all the time even after his shutdown flow. Is there a way that he turns them off by himself?
  8. I totally agree! Let's think a few steps further. I can imagine there will be mountable wide angle stereo cameras available that provide a perfect augmented reality. Just think of the green box technology in tv studios nowadays. If you had something like a full scale green cockpit you could actually touch the controls you are seeing through the Oculus Rift. Just think of this immersion! And compared to other full scale home cockpits there will be no need of displays, panel lights, warning lights, projectors etc. ... :-) Edit: Actually it wouldn't be necessary to build the cockpit in full (!) scale. Everything located right to the pedastal can be ignored. There's no need to touch anything there as it is the FO's side (as long as FS2Crew is used).
  9. Hi folks, does anyone know if PMDG is planning to introduce the multiplier to service based failures in the 737NGX too? I really love this feature in the 777! I'all may be wrong but I guess it wouldn't be such a great effort to introduce this?! Regards Daniel
  10. Hi folks, does anyone know if PMDG is planning to introduce the multiplier to service based failures in the 737NGX too? I really love this feature in the 777! I'all may be wrong but I guess it wouldn't be such a great effort to introduce this?! Regards Daniel
  11. Hi folks, does anyone know if PMDG is planning to introduce the multiplier to service based failures in the 737NGX too? I really love this feature in the 777! I'all may be wrong but I guess it wouldn't be such a great effort to introduce this?! Regards Daniel
  12. Hmm. If it's not related to the aircraft maybe it's a problem with the graphics card driver. @lucastng: Is your transparency multisampling disabled? What graphics card do you use? I use a GTX 660. Just found this thread: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/348928-stutter-on-landing-solved/ Maybe the solution is somewhere in there.
  13. Hi Everyone! I've got an issue with my 737 NGX. Everytime during my final approach when the GPWS calls out "20" and I want to begin flaring there's a single but quite long stutter. As you can image this ruins my landing nearly everytime. I just wonder if someone did notice this issue too and knows how to fix it. BTW: I disabled transparency multisampling via nVidia Inspector but this didn't help. A big thank you! I'm looking forward to your replies!
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