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About beana51

  • Birthday 06/19/1932

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    Gulf Coast Fl
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  1. I was with AVSIM from the beginning,a rabid Flight Simulator,Years of experience,and again i ran into your interpretation of the 1St Amendment...Never Did i discuss politics,Religion, only topics and Ideas about Flight Slimming...the HOT TOPIX was the Planes or lack of ,in FLIGHT,and not any attempt to SELL FSX,but rather to show that FLIGHT can be enhanced with Real Planes,of which I portrayed..You can interpret ,as you like,and its INCORRECT to make accusations..But I was Right on the subject,like others are!..I have encountered here ,in the form of Mods,some Pampas &@($*'s...Who in anonymity run this site like IRAN would be proud off..these judges,And Executioners are a discredit to real hanger Talk...Your Sensitivity ,your political correctness,your bias,and yer inexperience , some Mods have, are not reflective to America as we know it! best you turn inwards and sit down and review your high Handed Tactics...No need for Lil Napoleons here! now Once again makes me leave...I was invited to come back,and I did,and after all these years still the paranoia,the fear,that some one has the truth to say..is in your roots... i gotta tell you,at 80 yrs old, I have seen this behavior many times and in many forms....So its yer private Little club,only robots need apply, your rules,.This Anti individual thinking does not exist on Real Flight Sim Sites...We are not talking BOMB THROWERS,but Grown up kids....I'm not angry at you,but at myself,I do not make mistakes.,except for answering your invitation to come back....I find the Little people,the people with closed minds still reside here,The MODS that is,and mabey just one Mod!...what are you afraid of??? the Open mind??. you exhibit the quality's of the closed mind..sad!....So as they say ,Old Pilots never Die,they just BUZZ off...and that I will......AVSIM ceases to be Fun.on its Forums..CIAO!...Vin!
  2. HA! HA!..but try that in a Ultra lite Half Plane,certified to fly with out a 3rd class medical??.....OK guys just making a point. It was a great Flight!..Real time,real weather!..AnyWho in the Clouds?...20000FT?? Vis 3miles? Can not see much ANYWHO!..however ask WHAT IF?? What IF Flight gave us PLANES??? Now Theres A FLIGHT we would all go for!! The Next Generation!..everybody's Dream! WHERE WE CAN BOLDLY GO!GAMES and ALL..in our Grasp!..We Shall See! Meanwhile I get better pictures of Alaska in a National Geographic Magazine!...Then again note my Avator...we thought that looked good also,so good in fact so good, ,it brought us all here,made this site possible for years now,created an industry!! What Flight Needs are the BILL LYONS, and others, of our make believe world! HAVE FUN!!..I ARE!!
  3. I guess it boils down to one simple question...Are you a Gamer?..If so "FLIGHT" delivers well..and ,more than the average game...And if your a Flight Simmer"..Well Flight can be a great vehicle for that too...The MAULE made it so,the Cockpit less planes did not...It seems MS has a dilemma here...Do they purse the GAME MARKET? do they pursue the Flight Sim Market,or do they try to slide down a razor blade of trying to please both??......What with all their talent it seems they can incorporate both...However,from what they do NOT revel is what path they will go...I for one would welcome a COMBO FLIGHT...Games and Sim..But will not accept only GAMES,with HALF PLANES!...Of course others will and thats OK...But Flight Simmers will not....Sims like FSX do in fact offer challenges as a feature..called MISSIONS. As gamey like as you may require.. This very forum has been and is a FLIGHT SIMULATION FORUM....Its the strengths of our hobby.!..Flying Models as real as it can get.. Offered by the greatest talents to deliver them.Best we clearly define what FLIGHT is...Its EYE CANDY SCENERY is compelling,however its Planes are not........Its MS obligation to make the call and put this too rest......They must recognize FLIGHT is not the only Desk Top Flying Game in town!..I Hope Microsoft adds to its FS9,FSX,and now FLIGHT...Making Desk Top Flight Simming a Rich and Diverse experience fowr all!! Like Here..From VALDEZ PIONEER..PAUD................> WILLY POST -WILL ROGERS ..BARROW..PABR....Loaded with YUKON JACK,KEROSENE,MAIL.,Sled Dogs,Lumber,Snowmobile Parts!.and some Grand Parent Eskimos going home to see their family's!..the Stuff of Flight simming Imagination!...HAPPY LANDINGS!!!
  4. From Flying Magazine Carbon Cub SS!...2010 http://www.flyingmag.com/aircraft/lsa/sport/carbon-cub-ss?page=0,1
  5. The Super Cub.is a very desirable plane in ALASKA...All Planes,of a utility Nature are the Life Blood Of ALASKA.......With out Bush Pilots,and their huge variety planes,truly Alaska would be more difficult,or impossible to sustain Human life.in remote places! SOO! We Will Have FLIGHT,and with it we know great Scenery, a land of Vast distances between places. From Barrow,to the Aleutians!..It will provide we ,desk top pilots to explore Magnificent Alaska,as we did with HAWAII......The MAULE for Hawaii was OK!,.And is fine for ALASKA!The Stearman for rides,and airshows was fun,and can be in ALASKA!...But transporting EVERYTHING to sustain life in Alaska??? A Ultra Light will not do it..Lets get Real,...Rather those at MS should get real....Sim or Game,the Planes required must be available..and Planes in ALASKA are off every type,class,and utility.......This Carbon Cub would be like a Canoe in the middle of the Pacific ocean!........HAVE FUN! And Remember ,The BEST is Yet To Come! THE VENERABLE PIPER J-3 CUB!..Older than most all here today!!
  6. If it pleasures you to find company in Misery to comfort you why go ahead..Have Fun.Suggest you review the Talk right here on this site!...Why its World Wide..They did not get here with faulty stuff!..DO IT???..It seems there are others with serous concerns,only to find out Simming is EXPENSIVE,,and you need the up to date Computers...LIKE MAN YA NEED THE RIGHT STUFF.....Some have it most do not...So Please ..let it go..As Far As FS9,that's the world of Ed Lyons and all his wonderful stuff, A Work of Art!As far as FSX? Yes you need GOOD STUFF to use it...Bear in mind most who enjoy FSX are not using what came out of the box,but rather a overwhelmingly huge input of Art,Design,Scenery by talented people who love Flying! which today makes it a Fine Sim..It does in fact have a GAME flavor,with its MISSION Challenges......Limited .Time on a Computer like FSX is recognized as time towards a ticket.....Hope you understand that...So Get Yer Self A FINE COMPUTER,Play FSX,go to the sources that will transform your experience..and you will love it!..As Far as FLIGHT,yes I like it a lot...But disappointed a bit...Never the Less The MIRACLE of Home Desk Top Simming,now with FS9,FSX,and FLIGHT is a great thing.Something for everyone..All Who love Flying..Each in his own way...I welcome them all!!..Have FUN my Friend!,,And Do not believe All You read! :Loser:
  7. Once my electrical system went...At night,Full moon,in VFR..in a AZTEC,fumbling with a pen light ,i tried to read the Whiskey Glass Compass..Literately my nose was on it....We were in mountains...and my concern was that the Ground Would Come Up And Smyth Me...No Desk Top Thing Here,No Reset Button...no pause for a Fridge break..As far as "HYSTERIA"/One has no time for that.in real situations..Best thats left in yer bedroom.,or looking at ones self in front of a full length mirror!....Now in a GAME world? all reality is left to ones imagination..in a Real world? no time for HYSTERIA.....All Airline Pilots,all the Captains spend lots of time in Simulators..its required...its a learning ,and a review tool for coping for emergency .....I see that Hudson River Landing was not a HYSTERICAL LANDING.....Try that on a SIM,and see what you would do....OOH! Yes upon landing ,My knees were knocking...a Bit.....HAVE FUN and HAPPY LANDINGS!!.. :Peace:
  8. Maybe your experiences with inferior old Computers,your lack of expertise,has put you in a black hole....NEVER have I had those problems...Not with up to date,fast,,tons of memory,and the latest NVIDIA card..for a my. computer...Seems you may be in a small minority with yer problem with FS9,or FSX...which as of today are incomparable as Flight Sims,and are not a Game!...The Whole World is my Plum.in them..With every Plane that ever was./...I detect a REAL DISAPPOINTMENT by you with FLIGHT..and like the KIDS we are ...Ya can Not Accept it....Neither can I,and if FLIGHT does not have a reasonable complete planes??? They have lost a lot of customers!..Sorry they have chosen poorly,hopefully diminishing sales will prompt them to have a greater degree of a SIM,along with their game!..We shall see.....As far as my Kids?..yes this TOY is just fine for them! :Nerd:..HAVE FUN!!
  9. Well from what I'm Learning here..."FLIGHT" is a Game...And for all its eye candy it is not a Sim. If all this is true, talk of Planes with out Cockpits,,and if true,. then It would be disappointing.By now Microsoft should have reveled what ALASKA Flight is to be?...they Bait us with nice looking scenery,but the very definition of "FLIGHT" means FLYING,CONTROLLED FLIGHT,IN a Cockpit..with gauges.. Yes flying like a RC plane is fun,but not for me!.For PRETTY Pictures ,why I will look at National Geographic or something!...then again they never did say "AS REAL AS IT CAN GET"...So It Seems we have a "GAME" a glorified PIN BALL MACHINE.Good for Desk Top Ego's...I do not detect that PILOTS were involved in this development!. Why would an ultralight be chosen for ALASKA!...If the MAULE still can be used in ALASKA,mabey I will go for it..I will block out all the "GAMES" and Fly..letting my imagination show the way!...but Then again I have to ask my self why??....certainly my FS9,and FSX,with huge hangers,state of the art planes,designed by talented people who love flight...Great Scenery,that I can improve...,.As I write this I'm watching WILD ALASKA!....Soon as the program is over,I will Go to Barrow,Fire up my Cessna Grand Caravan ,.Plot a course,check the weather,.and then let the adventure begin.Flying VFR,and IFR..with A tower to talk too,and LIFE on the Surface!...However my great grand kids Love FLIGHT...They now can use it at will....as My FSX, andFS9 are VERBOTEN!..thanx for allowing me to BLOVIATE!!
  10. Did Not Know that...Thanx fot the H/U!!.Yes Stunt flying is a dangerous profession...Ever since Art Scholl and Paul Mantz, left us,i view these guys not as thrill seekers,exhibitionists but rather as some kind of the"Right Stuff" mold!. I think Bob Hoover is still with us!..Always from their errors,safety become enhanced......Sorry about .. Captain Richard A. Schram USNR....RIP!
  11. Before the Piper J-3 CUB,there was the Taylorcraft E-2 Cub!....The J-3 has been around since 1937....A Pure Stick and Rudder Plane....It was the trainer that put America into the air..The Great Pilots of WW2,were cub trained Tandum seating,the instructors tool was a rolled up Sec. Chart of which he beat on the head of the Not too swift Student Pilots!.Also known as the L-4A,it took most all our Generals over battlefields...First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was a Passenger in one... In Wind,Cross Winds the CUB is no drive on plane!...As Far as Sims,,FSX model is a good representation..one model is offered ,and it is the best of them all for the Sim.but thats Payware!...Now If FLIGHT were to offer us a Rendition of the CUB,I would hope they incorporate some realisum into it....Like HAND PROPING????.However for Game Applications, I guess any YELLOW thing will suffice....the CUB can be the difference between a Game,or a Simulator....However ,In Flight we will enjoy it..IF??? IF they give us one!....If Asked what plane I would want for ALASKA???Why The BEAVER,On Tundra Wheels,On Skis,and on Floats...But then again I have them......HAVING FUN..Vin!!
  12. My grand kids are great GAMERS,and "FLIGHT" is a game..no doubt about it....The Lil nerds know all the short cuts and cheater codes,..using that logic,that nothing is penetrable in GAMEING...How long will it take for some SUPER NERD to crack some codes or something.....If Microsoft wants to invite the challenge of break the law, by Cultivating illicit actions,then why is it not possible to do it to their Game????Will they give awards then??..Like some share of the LOOT!......it would I think the Challenge should be the other way around...Make LAW the hero,and catching crooks the points earned....We have in a FLIGHT a beautiful RV POLICE PLANE....I rather be chasing crooks! :Peace:
  13. Yes of Course..SLIPPING... the FORWARD SLIP,and the SIDE SLIP!..This with a CRABBING at Touch Down for a FULL STALL landing!!..MAY get you on the ground! in control! And in any cross wind. it.compounds the landing....TRAINER was the correct word for the Stearman..A no Flap airplane!prone to Crow Hopping!!...its all Stick and rudder...If I may, a Great book,a bible of sorts may help..."STICK AND RUDDER" by Wolfgang Langewiesche...other than that a LONG NECK ,in the SPLIT STREAM, ,GOGGLES helps!!...the FLIGHT, our STEARMAN is a REASONABLE FACSIMILE of the Real Thing.and most forgiving.....Other than that ,Slipping will only work in the Sim world if the Model was designed to do so..if not?..Well its fun!!.One real ride in one will answer all your questions...HAPPY LANDINGS!! :Peace:
  14. The wise Simmer or gamer uses all the of...FS9,FSX,and now FLIGHT.!..Yet there are others out there.....The Magic of Home Desktop Flying is enhanced with the variety of :FUN" things offered!..To engage in mindless comparisons is futile.. we are in a wonderful hobby..,and in forums like this..HANGER TALK LIVES!.When one goes to a museum one does not compare a Picasso to a Da Vinci...I like them all,and will not pick the ultimate Sim...For it has not been presented as of yet...If I want Scenery as the overriding factor? I May Favor one Sim,If I want the Prime Reason to Fly? I want that which offers that it to me,I with Hangers full of every flying machine that has been developed!f I want to dwell in the world of a Ed lyons? I have that also. I also have the dedication of all the input to our hobby by giving unselfish people. I still have the vast add on market to satisfy any whim.I may have!..be it HAWAII,or ALASKA,or SHANGHAI I can fly like a LINDBURGH,,an "AMELIA.or a Chuck Yeager! I can go there at will!..I can play GOD with the weather,.I have mastered WARP SPEED.,and best of all I can "RESTORE" any human mistake...Life should be like this! So Far Every Sim We ever got ,today no way resembles what came in that first box to us., Will FLIGHT too go thru a metamorphosis like that?? I do not know..its very game features may inhibit that...Flying to keep score appeals,Fling a Sim a a learning tool appeals also..So much so all major flight training and certification are done that way...Massive Flight Computers! We come a long way as children..with Moms broom stick Dads Swivel chair, Uncle Joe's old WW1 flying helmet,making God awful sounds trying to sound like a Radial engine..and FLYING like a bird uninhibited with vivid imaginations!!.."DARN YOU RED BARON" So what ever turns ya on,what ever offers most fun,what ever gives on versatility of Desk top flying is the way one should go....we come a long way from what my Avatar shows..Even that when first came out most of us thought ,How Can It Get Any More Real than That????WELL .LOOKATCHONOW!...Our hobby is growing....bring on yer one yer HOLODECK!..we Are Ready! Name of the Game is FUN....."HAPPY LANDINGS PARDNER".
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