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Flying scotsman

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  1. Hi Juankapilot, I have had this problem too, leaving the prob thrust lever, even at idle the aircraft gets going like a gazelle from the get go and slowing it down is VERY hard. I am using Honeycomb throttle and it is very easy to turn the engine off while just trying to slow it down. Hopefully it will get updated I would also report it as a fault to Carenado and see if you get a response. I found them very helpful with an instrument problem I was having Good luck
  2. Help Request, Just got the Carenado PC-12. Have installed and the EADI & EHSI panels do not have any colour or operating HSI or arc. Its just a brown square on each with some writing, but nothing I can use. I uninstalled and re-installed as per Carenado's support. But the problem persists, I have tried to rotate the Brt Light on the Top EFIS panel. I have pressed various HDG, NAV buttons, but nothing shows up. Can anyone advise? I found that going into MSFS/GENERAL/Experimental and deleting the only 'on' item there, gets me the backlight for the engine instuments, but they seem to stick on start, and this is the updated version. Any assistance appreciated Thank you Dave (Flyingscotsman)
  3. Yep my bad after midnight as we're not on GMT at the moment, Och one more hour is no great shakes. Then hopefully the broadband will stay up long enough to get it down in one go.
  4. There is a link on the microsoft store that has it available in UK from 11pm,tonight, Monday.....I just need permisson to stay up that late.....😄
  5. Thanks Andreas, I used to work with the USAF, but I'd forgotten the way they write can confuse the English, we used to talk about being able to read American, lol. Appreciated
  6. Thanks for that Simon, I used to be qualified on Microsoft speak, to pass their exams, but not done it ages and it can be confusing. Appreciated, Dave
  7. I took a look at the store, it said install, I have done that and got about 180mb came down. On the order it said 'play' then it advised I have to wait. No problem about 11pm uk time. Slightly nervous that it says xbox on the flight simulator, but my order does show, the whole works,as ordered. Hopefully this is some kind of pr-installed, which went onto C:\Program Files x86. Is anyone able to confirm if this is ok? Thanks in advance
  8. I downloaded what looked like a pre-installer, it now says, Flight Simulator is installed, but it was only about 180mb, I've paid for the premium, Pressing play gets you, your too early, you must wait, But it also says xbox flight simulator.Having a minor panic, Can anyone confirm that thiis probably quite normal and as it's written in american it confuses. I take I'll get the rest of the download after midnight.....like waiting for Santa....ridiculous......but I have been bad 😀
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