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About GAJ52

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  • Location
    0.7nm North East of Blackbushe EGLK
  • Interests
    Flight Sims, Guitar, Music Arranging

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  1. No my main simulation is MSFS. Just looked at a Samsung 32in 4k monitor from a large uk store and the reviews were 50/50 between very good and poor quality.
  2. I have both and prefer TDS as its more realistic, especially as it now is supported by Navigraph.
  3. I have just bought a new computer with a RTX4090, currently using my old 27 inch1080 monitor. I would like a 32 inch 4K monitor but know nothing about suitable specs i.e. refresh rate ect. Can anyone offer some advice so I don't buy the wrong monitor for Flight Sim / DCS.
  4. I'm getting exactly the same problem this afternoon, never had these freezes before going back to FSX days.
  5. Really sad news, thanks for posting.
  6. I feel the same, GA aircraft is definitely the poor relation within FS2020.
  7. It is annoying that Asobo / Microsoft can't come up with a solution to this problem. To be fair FSLTL is a livery app and hopefully someday they will take a serious look at GA aircraft Not being very technical I just assumed I was doing something wrong.
  8. Today I spent just over an hour sitting at a café at a small UK airfield (Blackbushe EGLK). The aircraft departure rate was about one aircraft every 5 to 10 mins. How can I replicate this in MSFS, I have traffic set to AI Offline and AI Traffic Density to 100. Using the same airfield in MSFS I'm getting 4 GA aircraft parked with nothing taking off. I also use FSLTL, and when setup to use this software I get nothing at EGLK, not one aeroplane. EGLK is just an example, I get this problem at many GA airfields in the UK. Glen
  9. That was the issue, thank you. I'm sure I read it was advisable to set this to a low setting for some reason, but I can't remember what the reason was. Bernard, thanks for your help much appreciated.
  10. This is happening at any airport, I started from the free Gatwick (EGKK) today and after the aircraft loaded there were about 10 aircraft with real life liveries parked around the airport. I checked them with Little Navmap and the label stated FSLTL aircraft although I haven't started FSLTL yet. I can confirm all MSFS Ai settings are Off.
  11. I have all AI turned OFF in Options - Traffic because I use FSLTL for traffic injection. One thing I have noticed recently when I load a flight at any airfield there are always several parked aircraft with real world liveries. This happens before I have even started FSLTL and selected Start from the FSLTL Injector. Where do these aircraft come from?
  12. I'm not easily pleased but that was a fantastic video - Happy New Year 🙂
  13. I don't use Vatsim very often, usually GA VFR. On one occasion I flew the PMDG 737-800 from Faro to Gatwick and the ATC was very good until I got to Gatwick. I was just about to turn onto finals on 08R when Gatwick Tower said they were clocking off and told me to go to Unicom. To say I was furious is an understatement, I flew all the way from Faro to Gatwick having a good Vatsim experience which was totally wrecked by this Tower Controller saying they could not be bothered allowing me to land under Vatsim control. I brought my dissatisfaction to the Vatsim forum and was told quite 'tersely' that Vatsim controllers are volunteers and could sign off whenever they wanted to. I fully appreciate that, but having a pilot on finals why couldn't he remain in the Control Tower until I had landed, this is a hobby for both ATC controllers and Pilots. I might be over reacting but after this incident my enthusiasm for Vatsim quickly declined, both with the Controllers actions and the reply I got from the Vatsim forum.
  14. Hi Bryan Really looking forward to becoming an FS2crew customer again, I stopped using P3D when MSFS came out nearly two years ago and missed your fantastic software. Now PMDG have released the B737-700 I will be purchasing your software when its ready on day one 😊 Glen
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