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  1. Hi, I plan to add to my pit for the visual 3 4k 49" LG IPS TVs 49UB850V (49UB8500 equivalent for the US market) driven by 2 GTX 980 in SLI. I'd like to have them as 2 lateral: left (120 degrees from central view to compensate the very short distance from my seat (+/- 20")) & right (90 degrees from central but +/-40" from the seat) and central view (+/- 30" from me) I don't intend to use them as 3x4K res. as I figured (by the readings I read) that no GC are able (even in SLI) to drive them all at that res, but I'd like to now if the upscaling in FHD would ruin the visual or if just the short distance between my seat and the monitors will do...? I also have a third GC that drives 3 other monitors (2 10" LCD touchscreen and a small 8" LCD) for the avionics & misc (G500, GTN suite and eng. monitoring), and yet another (last) 19" monitor for the eng. inst. (driven by a small laptop). I use P3D v2.4. Thanks in advance Emmanuel
  2. Hi, and thanks for your reply. Actually I figured this week-end that my prop levers weren't correctly calibrated, and as I don't see them in the VC due to a 'realistic' POV positionning... it took me a while since I discovered that... :-( Now it works perfectly. Emmanuel
  3. Hi everybody, I tried this afternoon an engine failure, and to my surprise, I couldn't feather the dead prop. After several attemps, I just gave up. Then I landed, and after the engine shutdown, I noticed the pitch of the props just don't change as you set the prop levers to feather... (on their Seneca II, there was no prb to feather at all) Thank you to confirm or maybe I missed something here? Concerning the ADF, I can't set the ADF needle on the G600!! Very annoying when making NDB approaches :-( I noticed the ADF module just don't switch from stdby to active freq... Maybe Bert can help on this one...? Thank you Emmanuel
  4. Hello, I built a PA34 cockpit like (or close to), and I plan to use it with the VC displayed on 3 monitors just for the ambiance or immersion. I do not see the VC instruments as I already got them (2D gauges) on separate touchscreens. My question is: is VC performance affected (then should FSX perf. as well) if I remove the VC loaded gauges like G600 (x2), GPS, in a word, all the gauges that could slow down the FPS ? Thank you in advance, have a great day all Emmanuel
  5. Thank you Bert! I won't hesitate for a PM if needed :-) Have a great day Emmanuel
  6. Hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to add to the Seneca V a particular gauge (EDM 760 from the Carenado Skymaster) ? I need to tell that I don't want to add in the VC but only to have that gauge in a separate window as it'll be displayed on a 'panel' monitor for a home-cockpit. I asked Carenado but they kindly informed me they do not give infos on how to modify their aircrafts, and then ask this forum. If the answer is no (3d gauge as I suspect in the C337), is there on the market a 2d gauge of that EDM 760 I could add to the Seneca ? Thanks in advance Have a great day all Emmanuel
  7. Hi, You might want to consider the 'real' Seneca V to have 2 fuel tanks with 61 US Gals usable each (122 total) and not 4 tanks. Hope this helps. Best regards Emmanuel
  8. Hello,I found out that I can't set the fuel levers to cut-off when I have a (simulated) engine failure.It's or open or x-feed positions for both tanks.Has anyone noticed the same behavior or has forwarded this 'bug' to Carenado ?Thx in advanceEmmanuel
  9. Bonsoir a tous,50% chez SceneryBox sur toute la gamme VFR first class jusqu'au 30 decembre...Joyeuse fetes a tousEmmanuel
  10. Bonjour a tous,n'ayant pas (encore) installe P3d, je vous demande si P3D est plus fidele a la realite, aux modeles de vols, aux gauges moteurs comme la temperature d'huile, ..., bref tout ce que FSX ne gere pas ou tres mal ?Est-ce que toutes ces variables sont prises en compte et restituees fidelement ou bien, c'est encore l'impasse avec des approximations qui ne me contentent plus.Je suis diablement interesse par ce nouveau simu, mais je n'ose pas sauter le pas et j'ai surtout peur de la compatibilite avec certains hardwares que j'ai.Merci par avanceEmmanuel
  11. Bonjour a tous, tout d'abord, je n'ai pas installe (encore) P3D, mais je suis de pres le dvpt de ce simu qui a l'air tres prometteur a travers ce forum. Ce qui pourrait m'inciter a l'installer (outre les nombreux posts enthousiastes) se resume a la veracite de programmation de certaines variables moteur comme la temperature de l'huile, qui n'est malheureusement pas correctement implementee dans FSX.Sachant que P3D se reclame etre un simulateur professionnel, j'aimerais avoir vos avis sur les lectures des gauges moteurs de vos avions preferes, et notamment le Duke Turbine (qui possede sa propre routine d'Oil temp pour gerer au mieux les pannes)Donc, si certains d'entre vous ont un home-cockpit, avec des gauges 2d d'oil temp (3rd party gauges), est-ce que les lectures de celles-ci sont correctes par rapport a celles du Duke (dans son cockpit VC) ? Merci a vous pour vos futurs commentaires, et bons vols Emmanuel
  12. Bonjour encore, merci pour ces textures, elles sont magnifiques. Emmanuel
  13. Bonjour a tous, venant de telecharger les packs forests d'Aime Leclercq (merci a lui), je voudrais savoir si les textures suivent les saisons ? Merci et bons vols EmmanuelN4139S - LSGL EDIT: je viens de relire la page et en 50 cm elles le sont. :-)
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