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    Just a Sim Fanatic

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  1. Awesome, also love that a lot of VFR features have been added, which is great =) Also, the improvements in phraseology are highly appreciated. Some people always think they need to complain, but this is an awesome program. By no means perfect but it does many things right, that other tools don't.
  2. I also vote for the TFDI 717, which should be out of beta very soon, hopefully. Definitely a beautiful and nifty aircraft
  3. Thank you! Yeah that makes sense. The Flight 1 Mustang I looked at but it doesn't really have any complex hydraulic system it's fully 'automatic' so even if it would be modeled you couldn't really play around with it. Well yes patience is often a good virtue with flightsim addons (but a hard one too)
  4. Okay I might need advice ... I'm pretty settled on getting the Eaglesoft Citation X and maybe/probably the Xtreme Prototypes glj Learjet 25. But I would want a decent enough modern (aka not analogue) biz jet with good graphics and a somewhat functioning hydraulic system behavior. I was considering the Wilco Falcon7X but the reviews in its thread about the autopilot are so scathing that I think it's probably not worth it although from some videos it looked like the systems are okay. Any other suggestions? I don't need super range but it would be nice if it looked nice ... more preferably jet than very light jet Just also wanna thank again for this great thread
  5. Great List Thank you (also useful for FSX). I'm also thinking about the Eaglesoft citation X. I mean the complaints on simmarket are mainly that the interior textures are dated and that I can live with. Especially now that FADEC works with SimConnect. And about the xTremePrototypes one. But I have to say I mainly care about systems modeling. Maybe I'll hold off on one of them for the Milviz Learjet which should be awesome. ​Edit: ​Just found out the Milviz one is on hold (see here: http://milviz.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6714)
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