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Everything posted by Kangaby

  1. I don't have either of these programs, so this is a bit of a guess: If both FSUIPC4.dll and pdfkneeboard.dll are both in the same Modules directory (and I'm assuming they are, but I really don't know) why would the paths be diffrent. If <Path>Modules\FSUIPC4.dll</Path> works for one, shouldn't <Path>Modules\pdfkneeboard.dll</Path> work for the other.
  2. Reviewed in this month's Computer Pilot magazine: http://pilotedge.net/page/home
  3. Check FSX to see if the option "Pause on Task Switch" under General Settings is ticked. If so, try with it unticked.This could be completely un-related, but it's worh a shot.
  4. My config file is stock standard, as installed with no modifications.
  5. I had one of those as well. Night flight with the other 2 pilot (VH-) plane. Ending the flight and reloading and it was OK.Just so you know you're not the only one.
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