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About cagrikartal

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    Erek Cagri KARTAL
  • Birthday 01/12/1992

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  1. I already have it but its not accurate enough but as you said its the only solution for now.
  2. good idea i would like that.... and also maybe a performance calculator as topcat stopped developing and its very easy with the 773 to make an over/under powered takeoff...
  3. hi u can check the avsim libary. its already done http://library.avsim.net/search.php?CatID=fsx&SearchTerm=pmdg&Sort=Added&ScanMode=0&Go=Change+View
  4. thank you sean, i tried it and it seems gone.
  5. hi folks I have fog in my cockpit, has anyone suffered this problem ? specs, win7 (recently clean installed) PMDG 777 REX ESSANTIAL PLUS ASN MAXED OUT GRAPHIC SETTINGS WITH DX10 ENABLED here is what it looks like: Thanks
  6. I just tride it egkk 26l. I think it works that way. The airport elev on the fmc was 203 and i got the 1000 callout at 1200 msl (960agl).
  7. Thank you both for helping out. just to make sure if i got it right; if the airport elevation is lets say 800ft above sea level you will hear the 1000 callout around 1800 ft msl.Right ?
  8. but is it the same for a 737 ? because in the same conditions the ngx's 1000ft alert comes exactly at 1000ft.
  9. Hi folks I don't know if this has been discused here before (i ve made a search and found nothing) but here is a strange problem i ve been having since the latest updates of the t7. The problem is, i m getting the 1000 callout when my radio altimeters says i'm about 1200 feet above ground some times even higher. i have a clean fsx without much addons excepts the ones that bring the reality to it like pfpx or asn or topcat etc. So no global scenery what so ever. (a few free airports but the problem is happening even when flying to default airports ) I have other callouts working fine only the 1000ft alert and it only heppens with the 777-300er/200lr Not with the ngx. Anyone having this problem ? Thank you
  10. Thats why i ve written ''minor turbulances'' which aircraft's auto thrust system can easily overcome, but you are right in some cases pilots must interfier with thrust levers to get a quicker response. thank you for your suggestions, I'll check those settings tonight to see if it changes anything
  11. Thanks for your replay... maybe its time to move onto p3d. maybe fsx is not good enough for such a system complexty etc... i have one last question left if you dont mind. Is there anyone suffered from this problem in p3d or in other words, what kind of problems are resolved in p3d that fsx wasnt able to offer any solution ?
  12. hi folks i have discused this many many time in this forum. I reinstalled every thing ( inculidin complete reinstallation of windows) a few weeks ago. But the problem seems to be back again, What happens is when flying the final approach if the weather is a little turbulant (relatively minor turbulances ) the auto thrust does not responde quickly to speed changes and the speed drops down to yellow bar which disables the autoland. what is more interesting is that even after that auto trust does nothing to get out of yellow bar. The last time i had this problem i resolved it by reinstalling the ASN without service pack then it seemed to be gone. I thing there is something wrong about handling when using the asn.
  13. Do you use Active Sky Next ? if yes, try to fly with default weather but set the same crosswind and see if it happens again. i am getting stanges behaviors from t7 since the release of the sp1-B for asn... hope this helps
  14. maybe you are right, but it ld add more realism to recive the aircraft. Im kinda as real as it gets guy in terms of Aircraft systems (in the limits of a deskop simulation off corse ^_^) it's not a must have thing but i just wanted to share and i too think that they are way too busy on new projects and platforms
  15. hi folks While i was preparing the cockpit for a trip at gate ( i use the long cockpit state for startup ) i tought it would be cool to have a rondom Turn arround state ( which will set some swiches in unproper positions rondomly everytime we load the a/c ) in order to increase the chance to spot some misconfigured swiches during flow checks. As the default states are fixed, we know that there is not going to be any suprise. i ve also tought that i could save the state after flights but that would be too much saved states, which may increase the chance of getting issues related to panel states. what do you think ?
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