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About vin747

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    Commercial Aviation, Flight simulators

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    Have been with flight simulators since FS98. Now hooked onto XP11, MSFS

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  1. I'm sure this won't work for airliners like fenix and ini320.. Maybe it can remember the lat/long/altitude/speed but mcdu will be totally blank.. You will have to redo everything and very difficult to salvage a flight.. Only pmdg offers full flight save including fmc..
  2. Pull is when cursor shows down arrow when you hover on top of that knob.. Push is up arrow..
  3. If the push pull has worked on some other airbus like fbw or fenix then the issue is not with your mouse settings... For the ini320 just like any other airbus, after you program the mcdu and the init B page and after you set the initial cruise altitude, and fill out the perf page, the heading, speed and V/s windows should show --- ie managed mode.. If you pull out any of them you should be able to set a value..
  4. You mean the knobs on fcu right? I don't have any issue with them.. I'm able to push to get the dots managed mode and pull to see the values.. Maybe your mouse settings have to be checked in assistance or control options..
  5. Ya I really hope A350 will be a payware so that we can expect great quality and quick support, updates and bug fixes.. Also they should release Lvars so that guensli can make good AAO scripts! 😀 I can't fly without the proper button mapping on my alpha and bravo.. Only then the aircraft feels complete to me.. On the pmdg and fenix I have heavily mapped all the buttons to various functions and it makes life so much easier.. When you land you just flip a switch to turn apu on without moving your head trying to find the switch on overhead panel with your mouse..
  6. Ya fenix was too hard to land in v1 version.. But in v2b2 it has improved a lot.. Still not that easy to land it in gusty and windy conditions though.. Pmdg have dialed down some ground effects that makes it easy to land even in bad weather..
  7. The flex takeoff issue is seen by all and I'm OK with the work around.. I will just dial a lower flex temp like 25 that gives me 80% thrust which should make the aircraft takeoff in the middle of the runway rather than the end of it.. It's a 320, not a 380.. It shouldn't need the whole runway length to take off..
  8. What do you guys feel about the floaty landings in ini320? Wanted to know is it just me or have you felt it too? Saw many users on reddit complain about it but none from avsim so far.. I can easily relearn how to land this properly in spite of the float but then I will be picking up some bad landing techniques which will ruin my fenix landings.. For example there is no pitch down during flare which an airbus should do.. Also when you go idle at flare, an aircraft that weighs 70 tonnes should drop quickly on the ground.. Strange that I'm not seeing that.. Floats like a glider.
  9. I really love the ini320 exterior and cabin model though..
  10. This doesn't bode well for the A350.. Sure it will be flyable with many compromises and will be enjoyable for casual simmers.. Nothing wrong with that.. But once you taste perfection with fenix and pmdg I'm finding it hard to compromise.. I was tempted to buy lvfr a340 and bravo 788.. Both look good on the outside but I have decided not to get them after my experience with ini 320.. The overall experience matters to me.. Even small thinga like having all my honeycomb controls properly mapped etc which I can't do in ini320.. Or having a remote mcdu like in fenix etc.. I really hope fenix does an A330.. They have spoiled me.. I can't even get aerosoft A330 now.. 😞
  11. Kudos to inibuilds for making default aircraft so good. But for me it is unflyable and sloppy in many areas.. Especially coming from fenix block 2 which is the closest to Nirvana I have ever come. So here are the inibuilds 320 issues.. 1. Sounds are extremely poor..no bass at all and non existent in many cases.. Start up shut down sounds etc are just not acceptable when you compare with fenix and fbw.. 2. Flight model - flex takeoff is completely off.. Better use toga.. And landing is total garbage.. I floated down almost the entire runway at flaps 4 and idle thrust.. Best landing physics are in fenix and fbw.. I can butter them both without floating.. That's the key..anyone can butter when you float way past TDZ..
  12. I was just ruling out destination airport as a probable cause since it was default airport. Some airports like Palm Springs have a 1000 animated wind turbines in the background which can cause all kinds of fps issues. So this was not the case with the default airport I had chosen.
  13. Again, I have mentioned this many times. Fps as a whole is high but sudden drops in fps happen with Fbw which give that jerky effect. If fps was consistently low then I can dial down my settings and manage. But if it’s at 50 and drops to 35 every minute or so then that induces jerkiness.
  14. Yes fps was never the issue. It’s the fps spikes that cause stutter. Or smooth frame time is what we need to look at. Thing is I use gsx and fsltl with other planes too and don’t have these momentary fps drops. I understand this is a very difficult issue to track down. Some have it , others don’t.
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