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  1. I might be missing the topic, but who's going to be at FlightSimCon this weekend? I luck out since it's only an hour and half away. I'll be there both days! Happy to meet anyone
  2. XPlane is currently downloading, I'm worried! I've always been an MSFS guy like most of you here but with all the momentum for XPlane lately I finally caved. See you on the other side!
  3. Hey All, I was wondering if anyone else has trouble loading the Location or Airport selection menus when in the Scenario edit screen. I sometimes click the button (more often with location) and nothing will load. When clicking the button again I'll get double windows. This is particularly frustrating with the flight planner Has this been brought up before?
  4. Hey all, I was wondering if anyone ever sees similar things to this. It seems as though when I pass a certain altitude (~3,500) the horizon no longer blends nicely into the distance. Could this be a ActiveSky thing? Or is it just P3d's default? Running the usual: FTX, ASN, REX,
  5. Nice, I love this sim! The one thing I wish they could correct is the visible distance. At high altitudes it is very noticeable that you can only see 30 miles, but I suppose that's the limits of the old CFS3 engine.
  6. Thanks for the response. I don't think this scenery will be updated to P3d, it was last updated in 2008. If anyone has detail about how agn files work and how i might fix them please let me know!
  7. I've noticed that reflections on the coast flicker quite a bit. I've ended up turning them off for everything but clouds.
  8. Hey all, I understand that old FSX addons will have problems in P3d V3, but I'm hoping that maybe someone out there has a quick fix I could do for this. I'm trying to use the Plum Island Scenery and everything works as intended except for the trees: I'm pretty sure it is the '.agn' files in the addon directory that are probably not encoded correctly, but I'm not sure how to open them to fix them. Does anyone have any ideas? -Jake
  9. Hey all, Decided to post this here because it's applicable to any sim. How do you decide what/where to fly? I have recently started using FSeconomy which has been a fun way to get my out and exploring the FSX world. Prior I would just pick an airport (maybe one with a recently bough scenery) and do circuits, or just fly in random directions. Other times I'll just pick a random cross-country to do, or go up and practice some real-life situations that I want to be trained for. Now using FSEconomy it gives a lot more structure and purpose. I'm thinking of buying orbx Australia and starting fresh as a "pilot just traveled to down under in search of riches" Anyways, how do you pick what/where to fly?
  10. Hello all, I've always been a GA guy, making circuits or flying VFR from place to place has been my game for years now. As I've been getting older I've become more and more interested on getting deeper into how the aircraft work, and that has lead me to more complex simulations like A2A. I never really thought I'd be interested in learning how to fly Airliners, but moving recently under a route near Boston Logan has peaked that interest. So how the heck do I do it? Do I go straight for PMDG? Which one? Virtual Airlines? Manuals? Trianing Videos? I'm overwhelmed. Not having much knowledge of this stuff is unsettling. Part of me wants to go large and just go for a 747, but the other part knows maybe I should start smaller and work my way there. What do you think? (FSX:SE btw)
  11. Thank you all, disabling the 'frozen water' did the trick!
  12. Hello all, I've got P3d up and running with all my favorite addons and it runs great. FPS is good and I finally have the sim I've been waiting for! Sounds great right? I have one massive problem though, something strange is going on and I end up with lots of areas that have 'black' water. This is mostly refined to smaller lakes and rivers, but it is absolutely annoying. I know for a fact it's not my addons because I noticed the problem when I did the base install. I figured by adding REX and Global that it would clear up, but sadly it did not. Any suggestions?
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