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Posts posted by flapsdown

  1. Which part of the world is this?


    That is Long's Peak,  the most distinctive mountain along the Northern Colorado front range, it is just south and west of Estes Park, Colorado...



    To be more precise: Vector and OpenLC require FTX Global


    Thanks for pointing this out, I should not have just assumed that he already had FTX Global...

  2. I am in it for the "long run" with the FTX based products, but that said, I must admit that the sheer scale of all the places that need attention is really daunting. For now I am in a complete "mix and match" mode with the things I own - having to toggle various combinations on and off depending on what I see in the area I am flying in order to get a decent rendering of the terrain...

  3. I do a quite a bit of EU flying as well, and one of the first places I checked was Courchevel (LFLJ), and the results weren't stellar there either - but then again, as I am sure you know, Courchevel is a very steeply sloped airport - a situation FSX (even with Vector corrections), handles poorly...



    FTX GLOBAL + FTX VECTOR + FSGlobal2010-FTX Mesh:



    Good luck with your installs...

  4. I might have explored other meshes before FSGlobal2010-FTX and held off for a while on Vector - so far the results with these products have been less than spectacular, at least for me (and by others judging by the ORBX support forum), but YMMV, so if it works for you that's great.


    I have been generally pleased with the FTX Global Base Texture Pack (when combined the SceneryTech Landclass for now), but the first thing I saw with the PILOT's/FTX mesh was this:




    I understand this is purely anecdotal and just one example, but it did bum me out quite a bit as this (Colorado), was the area I was really hoping to improve short of having a full FTX region for it.


    FTX Vector gives me this basically anywhere in western Colorado around KGJT:



    I understand that the scope of the geography these products attempt to cover is world-wide, and that fixes will gradually be forth coming, but I honestly wish I had waited a few months...

  5. In short yes. There is a global mesh product from the developer PILOT's that is certified Global compatible.


    But I would be hard pressed to tell you what the benefits of buying it have been so far, as it didn't correct any of the linear data mistakes or correct any airport elevation presentations that I have run into or seen logged on the ORBX forums so far. If anything, the mesh (at least for the places I have been), has proven to be little better than stock FSX (except in Africa), and in some cases worse, as in:



  6. I have run into all sorts of messed up airport elevations even with a "better mesh" (FSGlobal2010-FTX), installed. Vector was touted to provide corrections for "all 24,000 FSX airports", but to exaclty which mesh (Default FSX or an "improved" one) isn't real clear, and my anecdotal experience hasn't been good with either one - YMMV...

  7. LOL Some of the errors that are posted on the Orbx forum are so obvious that even a blind bat would have seen those flying at 10000 feet


    No arguing that at all - while the Global "Base Pack" had some interesting issues when first released (and still does to a certain extent in some places), if the last few hours are any indication, the amount of messed up areas and items in Vector appears likely to skyrocket. I definitely pulled the trigger way too fast on this one, as it truly does at least give the impression that it wasn't given much more than a cursory glance at best. I have unchecked the "ORBX!VECTOR" item in my Scenery Library (since no installer was provided yet again),  and that seems to be enough to give me back the stock vector data, but I haven't looked at all the places I was having trouble with yet...

  8. I jumped in with Vector since I don't have an investment in any other company's products and I am "in it for the long haul" with ORBX as I do have quite a number of items from them - but as you might expect with an effort this size, there are plenty of problems and strange looking places cropping up already, and it will just take quite a bit of time to work through them all I imagine. Some things I have seen so far are pretty trivial, like two sink holes just North of the runway at KAVX, but others are a bit more concerning I guess, like a really, really poor representation of the country around KNBG (New Orleans Naval Air Station), where the much of the area is a pretty big miss (the stock FSX representation is far better). It will be interesting to see just how many things get tossed up onto the Vector support forum over at ORBX in the coming weeks...

  9. Yes, if you guessed, I am looking for a realistic way to fly the Twin Otter in the CRM Orbx scenery.. Lol


    These guys (http://www.mccallaviation.com/planes.html)  fly a BN Islander out of Idaho, so I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to imagine an "upgrade" to Otters for trips around the CRM area.


    Also see: http://oddballpilot.com/2013/04/aircraft-walkthrough-mccall-aviation-britten-norman-bn-2-islander/


    I fly my "Fire Jumpers" Otter out of West Yellowstone a lot - just sayin' :P



    but I'm all tuckered out with Carenado products


    Me too, but I fear I may be sucked in by the good looks and the fact that I really want a nice small jet for FSX - for my non NGX moments you understand :P

    I am even drawn to the 1900D they are working on as well, but having the Q400 will probably fend that one off (even though I love the liveries it comes with)

  11. Have not tried to land the Otter at SABA


    Landing at SABA is a blast (with upgraded scenery - it's a mess in default FSX) - started going there in an BN Islander (piece of cake), but the Otter is a bit more exciting, not bad at all, but as you might imagine, engine power management is critical :P


    also,  St. Barts is really good practice for Saba and not far our of your way from St Maarten...

  12. I have now got the A2A C172 and I have had a few flights in it. Great plane. I was flying it today and I left it alone for about 20 minutes while I did something else. When I returned to it I found that the mouse would not change anything I tried to click on.


    I have had this problem from the get-go with the A2A 172 - a number of hot fixes from A2A seemed to clear things up for a while, but in the end the problem always reoccurs, so frankly its "shelfware" for me now...

  13. In terms of flight dynamics I don't think there's anything wrong with QW 757, in fact I find their 757 & Bae 146 to have rather realistic feeling FD. 


    Like others have said I bet either the installation is corrupted somehow or maybe something is causing it to trim fully up which could explain such behavior. 




    I also own both sets of QW products and find them to be excellent aircraft - if I were having the odd behavior that the OP is reporting my first step would have been to uninstall and reinstall as he did  - strange that the problem is persisting...

  14. ...


    I'm finding I tend to ignore the checks and go right to the things in the VC that actually need manipulating.


    This is me also  - While intially I find the systems depth interesting, soon after I learn what items must absolutely be done for the aircraft to function and then stick strictly with those  (minus FMC setup for navigation),  so I can get to the "flying" - this always make me wonder if I ever broke down and got a PMDG Boeing if it would be a waste of money for me. I have the Q400, which most folks generally equate to the NGX in terms of complexity, and I have also gotten to the point where I know what must be done to get going, and since I basically fly it with the same load, and I can estimate the fuel required and V-speeds needed in my head, so I generally just "get in and go" with this plane as well...

  15. To be honest, this upgrade of the piston Duke has made me dream about a Turbine Duke with a more controllable throttle. That may well be impossible with the often mentioned difficulties simulating turboprops in FSX, but I can dream.....


    The new piston Duke is great, but I still prefer the power, stopping distance, and orgasmic whine of those PT6A engines in the Turbine Duke  :wink:



  16. Post #238


    Ah, thanks - this is potentially really good news - though still interesting that the airport elevation adjustments might be wrapped in the "Vector" product, this would be fine by me, but JV states further down that thread that


    "...It (Vector), only places roads, rivers, lakes, coastlines, parks, golf courses etc."


    but if the adjustments get made, it will be nice to be able to upgrade the mesh without having to individually process messed up airports....

  17. Strange how the QW brought you over to Boeing. You should dive in to the PMDG 737NGX.


    Doesn't seem too strange to me - the QW is a fantastic mid-range simulation - lite on frames, seemingly decent FDE, some systems depth with an FMS, visually appealing exterior, reasonalbly decent VC - it got me into tube-flying as well - I recently added the Q400 and would love to go with the PMDG NGX, but I am sure my current box won't run it well enough, as it will the QW/Q400....

  18. Regardless, it won't matter soon, because according to JV at Orbx, the upcoming Global Vector will work hand in hand with Global mesh and will provide elevation fixes for all 24K+ airports. If this is accurate, this will be a huge boost for mesh products.


    Is there a link you can point to for this? This doesn't make any sense to me, as FTX-G Vector only lays down more accurate linear features (roads, rivers, coastlines  etc.)  on whatever mesh you are running - no correction for airports on the digital terrain model is included from what I have read so far...

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