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About fulcrum_64th

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    Trading, Computers and Flying

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  1. FSL A320 is shaping up to be an excellent model from what I'm reading so far. I'm looking forward to the first in depth reviews by operators of the real plane (as well as looking forward to the P3D version). Has anyone tried the plane using oculus rift googles? VR is simply an amazing technology. Once you try it there is no turning back to 2D screen. Cheers,
  2. Hi Vital, that's not the patch I'm referring to. The patch is the P3D patch (the one you highlighted is an other patch issued for the FSX version). Look at the front page. It says to contact the dev for the P3D patch. Unfortunately didn't get an answer. (maybe he's on vacation) Kind Regards
  3. Hi Walts, Thanks a lot. I can't download the file. I'll send you a PM. BTW the dev posted a patch to correct the wrong ILS ! Best
  4. Hello, did anyone manage to get the P3D patch for the below LFSB freeware ? http://www.euroairport2011.homepage.t-online.de The web page gives an email address to contact in order to get the patch by haven't heard anything in a few days. Also did anyone manage to correct the misplaced ILS ? Thanks
  5. Hello, Did anyone managed to instal LFMN into P3D3.1 ? Cheers
  6. Hello, I'm currently running P3DV2.5. I decided to install P3DV3.1. What is the simplest way to install FTX global into the new sim ? Should I download again all the FTX files assuming there is now a V3 installer or is there a shortcut ? Also is there a way to export my sim as well as my FSUIPC controller setting or should I start all from scratch in the new sim Thanks a lot for your help. Best
  7. Greetings to all, I'd like to find a good database for the model matching of VATSIMs Vpilot client. Would you guys recommend world of AI. I only need it for the model matching i.e. don't need it for AI into the sim. What is the simples way to get this done ? Thanks a lot in advance.
  8. Thanks a lot LB777 ! You are spot on. That solved the problem Regards from Switzerland !
  9. I have 347.88. Didn't update to the latest one due to the papi problem. All airports outside of Switzerland are working correctly
  10. Hello, I just installed Switzerland pro X on my p3d2.5(hotfix3). Airports (I currently only use stock) night lighting aren't visible. Worse, sometime they appear a fraction of a second and disappears (depending on my view point). My add ons are FTX global and FS Global Ultimate Europe. Other non airports lights are visible. Did anyone see that ? Any idea how to solve the problem ? Thanks a lot
  11. Dear All, I'm suffering from the missing taxiway syndrom in some airports exported from FSX into my P3D2.5 . If I recall there was a trick using ADE to solve that issue. Would be great if someone could explain in details how to do it. I have no clue how to use ADE. Thanks x 1000000000
  12. Hello, Dunno if that's a normal behaviour but for sure different from my EZDOK 1.17 / FSX experience : every plane gets the same profile i.e. when i create my EZDOK profile it remains the same for every plane. In the past and by default every plane had it's own profile that could be changed independent of the other planes. Best
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