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  1. Thank you for the excellent repaints Tom. Alan sims
  2. is anybody else having this problem. i have an active ticket in with carenado, the first response was turn all virus software off. i uninstalled all my anti-virus software,still the same problem.(407 Error The specified serial # not valid)Waiting for second response from support.Anybody have any information on this issue? please, i need help.
  3. Thank you ! Thank you fsx seems to have the better graphics.maybe its the video's.How are the flight dynamics compared to fsx? i have some high end fsx aircraft,and the flight dynamics,flight engines are excellent(VRS , PMDG , CAP SIM , etc... )?
  4. Thank you, you wait long enough,you will get what you need.Well put ,and too the point answer. Thank you again !! i guess i need a bigger bag of popcorn an more beer.Thank you for your answer. I will check out XPX. Sounds like something to read about.
  5. yes, i have my popcorn here !!
  6. hello, interested in opinions on which simulator is the best, FSX , P3D ,lockheed , etc... i have had fsx since 2008. which one is the future.i have over 150 aftermarket aircraft an was wondering should i stop buying microsoft and head to another sim..?
  7. Do you have to buy ASN for the weather radar to work ? (i dont know what asn is)
  8. Thank you everybody for the info. I always see 737 bbj's parked at my local airport (KMRY), and was wondering if they used thier airstairs to enter cold & dark. The airport does not have jetways an they park in the GA. parking. Never seen one boarded first thing in the morning. Thanks Again Everybody ! Hello scandinavian13, seems like you work with aerosoft. I was wondering is there a button or activation system modelled in this pmdg 737 that lets you open the airstairs like if you are at a remote location or light facilaty airport or private airport cold & dark ?
  9. Thanks for the answer Sloshypage23.Is that auxilary power available in this sim?, meaning is there a button on the fuselage or key assignment to simulate that?(shift-e for door airstairs -- ?)
  10. Question, when the 737 is cold & dark in real life.How do the pilots enter the aircraft? Is there auxilary power for the airstairs & door's?If it is,is it modeled in this 737?
  11. forget the jet, the tour lady should be the highlight !!
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