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About andre1977

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  • Birthday 02/12/1977

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  1. Hi Some areas in the globe i strugle to have traffic on initial flight only, or if i have it dissapear during flight. Need to restart PSXT. Areas like UAE and surround i get no traffic at all when departing, Half hour later i start to get traffic. Strange. Sometimes i still have the inicial traffic on dep airport when i'm in middle flight. Like now form LFPG to FIMP. I'm near Antanarivo and i have the traffic in LFPG and no traffic around me. This kind of errors goes for the l;ast 2 months. Good news is we finally have more traffic over oceans, something we didn't have before. Really cool. I'm thinking stopping RT subscription is this errors persist. Too mutch errors for now. Still will wait for Nico return and see what happen. Time for my license to finnish.
  2. Hi You can update AIGAIM but errors will be there. You need to change cfg files or textures names everytime AIGAIM has an update. Or report on AIG forum the error so don't come next update Pink textures normally is cfg error or textures names don't match the cfg entires. I've seen in the past many kind of entrie errors. Some were fixed others till now no fix.
  3. Log file is ok. No errors that i can see apart from some regcode clashes that i'm fixing at the moment. I also restart PSXT 2 times in flight to remove frozen airplanes in air. Log file is always my best friend here. I always check that Nico. Maybe is the issue in Balthasar ends. Long flights always cause me this issues latetly.
  4. Hi I'm now over Atlantic ocean and all departure airplanes (OMDB) were frozen in air and no traffic around me. hoow. Nice one.
  5. Traffic missing. Will explore a little more tomorrow this area and try to track Emirates Flight School fleet. I use to have them on the sim as i flown with them in the past.
  6. My issue is not the airport traffic. I only have traffic in air after 30 minutes flight (only here on this area). But on ground is ok. Strange... On ground is reasonable, as i learned the airport just for some hours. Also, i have the Emirates Flight Training Academy textures installed and they don't show up. UTT Phenom 110 fleet and SR-22 fleet. Data online is also there.
  7. I use MSFS native models frmo AIG (I don't use AIGAIM package). Converted FSX models that aren't available from AIG so far. Some militaty like C130 and others, and DFAI models. FInnaly traffic on air after 30 minutes flight. Why is this happening ?
  8. Still no traffic in air. After takeoff no traffic at all.
  9. Hi What i'm missing here ? No traffic at all at OMDW. Something on my end ? So many issues since i start my Premium subscription.
  10. Nop. Sorry. In air at the moment from EICK to LGMK. Have to restart PSXT. Double aircraft in air. One static , another flying. And several other statics too around EICK. After restart PSXT seems to be fine for now. Strange behaviours.
  11. Hi Nico Yes , i always add the destination airport. 'You can walk from LPPR to LPAZ (9 km).... Thats probably why aircrfat at LPPR are still there when yiu arrive at LPAZ.' 9 km ???? This is 2h flight on A20N. LPPR - Porto Airport. Portugal main land. LPAZ - Santa Maria Airport, The Azores. 😉
  12. Hi Since the last 2 updates i have static airplanes in air. Departing from LPPR to LPAZ. Arriving LPAZ i still have all airplanes showing up from departure airport. All stoped in air. This bug have been happenig in every flight. Sometimes i only have air traffic with auto range ON. If untick the box no more traffic. Need to restart PSXT. DID updates available for RT too. Any sugestions why this is happening ? Marco.
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