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Pilots Report

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Everything posted by Pilots Report

  1. Why are you going to buy some Saitek ones, if they are crap? :( (only joking, i know what u mean, really!). I can't answer your question as I have never bought any throttles :( ...but I think saitek throttles look crap, so they certainly wouldn't be on my xmas list... But being as you say expensive is ok, and you prefer plug and play...then maybe this is your perfect choice.http://www.throttletek.com/
  2. Hi all.Has anyone used or using TracknoIR? I am using it with my logitech 9000pro webcam, but when inside the cockpit (737NGX) it's way too sensitive and the camera view bounces around too much. There isn't a lot of info on it and the instructions don't say a lot regarding sensitivity..Can some post their TracknoIR settings please, or give any advice, on how to get it working to run nice and smooth...Thanks
  3. Congrats on your new job...hope it all goes well, for you. :(
  4. Boeing have announced, in their latest press conference that fourth quarter sales for 2011, of their 737 fleet, have plunged. Mr. W. James McNerney, CEO, said, "The decline in sales is due to the August 2011 release of PMDG's 737NGX. Who's gonna pay $80m for one of our planes, when you can buy theirs for just $70, and its almost as good." :(
  5. does anyone have any news on tutorial #2 ..?sorry...only joking :(
  6. I have both aircraft...With regards to development quality, then the MD is by far better, but I still prefer to fly the 747 for long haul. This is based purely on aircraft preference. The 747 has always been my favourite aircraft. So if it is true that PMDG are doing an improved 747, then....i cant wait. :(
  7. hi shawnI use FSCommander. I have used FSBuild, and have to agree that I don't see why everyone swears by it. Unless i'm missing something too. With FSCommander you can manually select any VOR, Intersection etc from the map, right click on it, and from the menu, choose 'Add to flightplan'. Or you can type the name or coordinate of the required waypoint into the flightplan window, and select it that way. You can also choose (where available), any of the SIDS & STARS for which ever departing & landing runway you want to use, and add those to the flightplan too. I think FSCommander offers a vast amount features and information, and is, at least, equal to FSNav.Thanks
  8. Hi All..I don't spend half the time I would like to, flying the brilliant aircraft that PMDG keep producing.. I have their 737NG (FS9), 747-400X, MD-11X and now the best of all, 737NGX. I keep buying these aircraft, but never really learn how to fly them properly....all i ever do is an ILS approach CATIII Autoland. That's because it's the only way I know how to land these heavyweights. So I am looking for some good tutorials on other types of approaches, like visual, vor, non-precision..etc etc. Has any, kind fellow pilot(s) got any idea where I can find a good indepth tutorial on different types of approaches, please... Thankyou
  9. Dan..Thanks very much for that...Just what i need
  10. Hi All..Does anyone know if there are any indepth tutorials out there, on how to repaint this elegant lady.. (I would like to dress her myself) Pardon the expression Thanks.Ian
  11. engine heatwaves...i've never seen it on any aircraft addon. would be nice to see it, after starup & during taxi. :)Ian
  12. Hi All...I bought this excellent piece of simulation technology only yesterday, and think it's a masterpiece. However, I have a problem with the autopilot. I am going through tutorial #1 and everything is fine through the 5000 altitude restriction. Then at the Detling VOR the FMC is saying RESET MCP ALT, and my FMA pitch mode changes from VNAV PTH to VNAV ALT.. (all as expected). But when I change the MCP ALT from 5000 to the next restriction of 6000, it disconnects the autopilot and the A/P FIRST button flashes red....The tutorial suggests that as good practice, keep changing the MCP heading to match the LNAV heading, incase you have to quickly switch to HDG SELECT (good idea), but this also disconnects the A/P CMD...its seem to happen as soon as i touch the MCP....Any ideas please, or is this meant to happen?Thanks.
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