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Tom Ek

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  1. Hello everybody, so I'm having a small problem with the scenery ( stock and add-on ), and it is as follows, while the plane is one the taxiway/runway/etc it is actually on grass and all the planes parking at the gates are inside of the buildings. So what I'm trying to say is, that all of the buildings, runways, etc. are shifted either left or right where there suppose to be..... Can anybody help, please.
  2. First of all, thank you everybody for the help, I solved the problem @jandjfrench, yes it was a terrain.cfg problem after all, in the original as in the backup where a few faulty lines that caused the problem. I don't know how and who copied them, but they where causing the problem. @firehawk44, nice guide for the future, thx
  3. Hi, I'v tried it with a restore, didn't work. I had a terrain.cfg backup, also no luck. Changed WideAspet to False, well you can guess it, no luck either :(
  4. and her is one with stock scenery LDRI
  5. It's LDZA - Pleso airport Zagreb from Davor Puljevic. I have tried different slider positions with no success :( WideAspect is on True in the cfg. I used to have MyTrafficX, but I'm not using it anymore. The funny thing is, that everything was working fine until today :(
  6. Thanks for the quick respond, but I'm not using UTX. I tried to rearrange the sceney areas in fsx also, but in this case it didn't help.
  7. Hey there, I just have a small problem with my FSX scenery. Where there should be a runway is only land, all the water disappeared in the sim. Well, I just post some pictures, so that you can see where my problem lies and maybe someone can help me, please. The runway should be here, but.... ...with a little bit of zooming, it reappears.... [url= and yes, there should be water, please help me, I've tried everything I know in FSX to fix it, but nothing is working.....
  8. you could use Noctua, I have an NH-D14 and it performs very well on my sistem and it was around 80$ and check this out..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_6lixOebc-8
  9. maybe this can help you out a little bit....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_6lixOebc-8
  10. It's TJ max measured with RealTemp 3.70 at max load in FSX....
  11. How do you get so high temps with the Noctua??? I have the same cooler on an oc procesor, and I only get bettwen 35-38c max..... Very good advice, maybe you should check this out.....
  12. Well it's not an add on for FSX but it boosted all the other add ons.......
  13. I was flying over Russia when I spotted this a bit odd clouds......
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