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  1. Hello, thanks for the reply. Okay manually editing the axis info as you described above did finally get it to work. I thought I tried something like that but maybe not with those values. Anyway thanks again for the quick response and support!! Kevin
  2. Hello, I'm just starting out with LAAO (already found many features that I really like!) however when trying to create an LAAO template for the PMDG 737's using my HC Bravo quadrant I'm finding I can't get the spoiler (or speed brake if you prefer) axis to work correctly if at all. I'm not trying to do anything fancy or complicated with detents, etc.,,,I just want it to reflect that moving the HC Bravo spoiler lever through it's full range will be reflected by the virtual lever in the PMDG cockpit moving through it's whole range. I've tried the SPOILER HANDLE (axis) and AXIS_SPOILER_SEt (event) assignments in LAAO but they don't work no matter what parameters I use. the flap lever on the HC Bravo works perfectly with the AXIS_FLAPS_SEt assignment with no issues so I can't figure out why the spoiler axis isn't working as well. I can easily get the spoiler axis to work normally in FSUIPC7 and in the base MSFS control assignments without any tweaking or fuss, so I don't think there's anything "broken" with my sim or HW setup. I would prefer to have everything assigned in LAAO so I have a single app and profile for each type of aircraft which is the whole point of having it. Is there something basic I'm missing here? Appreciate any insight you can provide. Cheers, Kevin.
  3. Well, I can see Rob is excited for this one with the fixes that directly impact the image quality he can obtain in his great videos, but unless there's a 'hidden gem' in the other updates that ends up improving performance in some area (smoothness, VAS, all the usual suspects...I'm not holding my breath) I think I'll hold off for a while or maybe skip this one all together. Kinda looks like native VR support was the 'big deal' on this release, and I can see why some are really excited for that. I have an HTC Vive setup myself but getting the performance (framerate) high enough in P3D to make it look okay (and not make me sick!) without turning absolutely all the detail off seems like it would be a problem. And as someone else noted earlier dealing with the input devices while wearing the headset has been a challenge when I tried some racing/driving games and it seems like it would be the same for flight sims. But I'll still look forward to hearing how others are getting along with it. Cheers!
  4. Besides the one that comes with the download, there was also a 'Tutorial #1.5' that came out a while after release. I think you have to get it direct from their website? (Can't remember it's been a while). I do seem to remember that it explained a few more things beyond the first one. Speaking of which...whatever happened to Tutorial #2 that was promised after release and would cover more topics such as ETOPS? Did they eventually release it and I just missed it having moved on to other things? If you're only looking for video tutorials you might try Frooglesim's YT channel. I know he did several intro videos right after it came out and he tends to explain things a bit more. To be fair they aren't strictly meant to be 'tutorials' but I usually learn a lot of stuff from them. Cheers!
  5. Awesome indeed, Rob! Thanks for this and of course all your great videos that show us what P3D is really capable of!
  6. 'Another gem' video, Rob! I don't run Orbx regions myself but I admit they do usually look nice in your video tours. Cheers, Kevin
  7. Another awesome video, Rob! I'll never be able to match your extreme settings but it's always fun to see what's possible! I have openLC NA installed but haven't had much time to do any flying with it yet (life & work keep getting in the way) so for me this was a good introduction on what to look forward to. And I agree the Flysimware Lear 35 is sort of a 'hidden gem' and a lot of fun. And the level of Dev support and continuous updates is amazing! Look forward to your next videos! Kevin
  8. Another awesome video, Rob! Living in the SW I know the Sedona area quite well and the scenery (and video) show it off nicely and are spot on for detail. I'm trying to cut back on always adding more and more detailed airports to my installs, but I just might have to cave and get this one! (Btw...congratulations on your 999 Avsim anniversary today as well! )
  9. Rob, Another drool-inducing video...great stuff indeed! Regarding your settings I see that you have HDR enabled (which was already obvious from the video) but somehow you've managed to keep the internal VC lighting and displays looking 'normal'. As I've mentioned elsewhere probably the biggest headache I'm still having with P3D these days is balancing the HDR effects for the external environments (which look awesome) and the internal VC models (which look awful, at least on my setup). I don't own the Q400 (yet) but on the PMDG aircraft and even the RA TDuke having HDR enabled causes the instrument lighting (especially at night) to be way overcooked and the colors of things like the PFD are shifted and completely washed out...like a very badly overexposed photograph. It also causes white or light-colored text and labels to appear fuzzy and unfocused. I'm sure the 4K res is helping a lot with the razor-focused images, but have you applied any of your other tweaks or mods to the shader files (or elsewhere) to get such a good lighting balance between the internal and external environments? Looking forward to more videos in the future...even if they set an impossible target for many of us!
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