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About Hawker32

  • Birthday 05/16/1997

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. My thoughts go out to you, your family and your friends, Tom. I am sure I can speak on behalf of everyone within the AVSIM and Flight Simulator Community as a whole when I say this; Your support and dedication to the community has been second to none since the start, you really have helped shape the community for the better. We are All very, truly grateful of your dedication. Spend all the time you can with your Family and Friends, Tom. The AVSIM staff are perfectly capable of maintaining the forums. You shall be missed Tom, Godspeed!
  2. Thank you very much Robert and the PMDG team, great release! Happy Flying!
  3. Nice one, will be sure to take it for a spin!
  4. I'm downloading a version from the website now, not got a clue if it is the updated version or the SP1d version though....
  5. Good Evening all! Just a reminder for you guys that Flight Simulator Live Streams is hosting their 12 hour event at Flight Deck Experience today! [21/02/2015] Be sure to tune in to Paul Lee's Twitch from 0900Z until 2100Z to watch it live from Flightdeck Experience! Twitch: www.twitch.tv/paulelee46 We look forward to seeing you all in the chat.. Be sure to say hello! Be sure to check out the Facebook page for all the details! FS Live Streams Facebook: https://www.facebook...812861682108242 Roster and Routes:
  6. I'm hoping for a 787... But you know, I don't think it will happen. It's going to be a DC-3/6 and the 747V2 from everything we've seen and heard... Dreaming, Hoping and Praying for a 787 though :(
  7. At the moment Nothing beats the PMDG 737NGX. Has got to be the greatest airliner ever made for the Microsoft Flight Simulator platform. I'm so hooked on this Aircraft, I raise my glass to PMDG. Matt
  8. Hi I'm wondering whether I'm the only one that would Love too have a new private jet to fly around in on FSX. I've recently been working on a Hawker 750XP, which is a small 7 seater private jet, it also has a glass cockpit (http://www.flightglo...0xp-cockpit.jpg). This aircraft is such a beautiful aircraft to work on and also to fly, it handles nicely and has very up to date avionics. Here are a few pictures of the aircraft; http://farm6.static...._0567b1ccb3.jpg http://www.businessa...er-750-2(1).jpg http://www.google.co...XMjdyeBw&zoom=1 Thank You very Much. Matt
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