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About geoffwba

  • Birthday 11/20/1947

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  1. I would like to be able to change the aircraft livery when going into one of the pre-programmed tutorial modules which are available in the save flights menu. At the moment it just uses the default livery. I know how to download and install new liveries but not sure how to incorporate a new livery in the saved lights. I presume it is a matter of altering a file somewhere ?
  2. Thank you! Yes, it was the global textures which I had on a medium setting. I have now adjusted to high and things are a lot clearer. Although I have recently upgraded my graphics card I have an Asus motherboard and Intel processor which are now 4 years old (a very long time in PC terms) and I am planning to upgrade them and use Windows 7 in place of Vista. Hopefully this will improve things dramatically. I currently have 3mb ram but I see that modern motherboards and Windows 7 allow you to use a lot more ram so again I will experience better performance. Regarding this forum, I can't find a search facility- if there is one this might save some posts as I am sure I will have a lot more questions- this is after all a complicated sim!
  3. OK Found it now I've seen the picture, so thanks for that! Actually the picture is very clear but on my screen all the lettering by the various controls appears dark and fuzzy, so difficult to find things. How can I adjust my display to make things clearer?
  4. Help! I am a complete newcomer to this simulation and in tutorial 1 page 54 I have come to a grinding halt! I cannot find the EFIS control panel so can't set the RANGE knob. Can someone please pount me in the right direction?
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