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About paulco

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  1. Hi chris_eve, thanks, and apologies for late reply. Will certainly give It a try. Many thanks Paul.
  2. Hello everybody. I have a New Installation of FS 2004 which Is currently working well. I also have the following Add-ons FScene1 & FScene2 which are Scenery CD's and WORLD AIRPORTS 2. However, None of these CD's will load Past the first load-up screen. Any help or suggestions with this Please. Many thanks Paul
  3. paulco


    Good Morning everybody.WISHING YOU ALL A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ALL THE BEST FOR THE NEW YEAR!!!Happy Trains.all the bestPaul.
  4. Hello everybody, hope your having a nice day. many years ago when the A340 Airbus was designed I noticed that British Airways had no A340's. At the time I was running Windows XP and later Windows 7 and now running Windows 10 So I enquired whether anybody was able to do a Repaint of the A340 In british Airways livery and hey presto somebody, these names from the A340 file created for me:- (Designer: Herve Maxime DONGMO - Member: SIMUBUILD FREEWARE GROUP Livery Artist: XUDEVA IRRIBARRA Cockpit Design: SIMUBUILD FREEWARE GROUP FLIGHTDECK ENGINEERING DEPARMTNET). Iv'e had many Years flying this great Aircraft, not so good with Landings, although they say any Landing is a good one. However, with the Increasing upgrades of Microsoft Flight Simulator through 98 2002, 2004 FS9and FSX and many changes since. Having come back to Flight Simulator recently I find I cannot fly this A340-600 anymore because the Gauges/Cockpit have lots of things missing. Can somebody please possibly advise me what to do to get this A340 working again please. Have a nice Christmas everybody! Paul.
  5. Hi charlie, Thanks for reply. Thanks for pointing me to the correct Forum. Hope I get some Results? many thanks Paul.
  6. Hi everybody, Beginning to think think this Is In the wrong section/Forum. A long , long time ago Somebody was Kind enough to do a Repaint of an (a340BA AVSIM Aircraft File) in British Airways In British Airways Livery. Of course we all know that British Airways never had any A340's. neve the less somebody within the following Team:- " Designer: Herve Maxime DONGMO - Member: SIMUBUILD FREEWARE GROUP Livery Artist: XUDEVA IRRIBARRA Cockpit Design: SIMUBUILD FREEWARE GROUP FLIGHTDECK ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT)." This Repaint worked well In Windows XP and I had many Years of fun flying this Aircraft. However, since the arrival of Windows 7 & Windows 10 although Flight Simulator 2004 (FS9) works well enough in these Operating Systems My Airbus A340 British Airways certainly does not. most of It's Gauges are incompatible or to old. My Wish Is Please? that somebody could Point me In the right direction to sort this Problem Out. Many thanks Paul.
  7. Hello everybody, hope I'm In the right Forum, hope your having a nice day. many years ago when the A340 Airbus was designed I noticed that British Airways had no A340's. At the time I was running Windows XP and later Windows 7 and now running Windows 10 So I enquired whether anybody was able to do a Repaint of the A340 In british Airways livery and hey presto somebody, these names from the A340 file created for me:- (Designer: Herve Maxime DONGMO - Member: SIMUBUILD FREEWARE GROUP Livery Artist: XUDEVA IRRIBARRA Cockpit Design: SIMUBUILD FREEWARE GROUP FLIGHTDECK ENGINEERING DEPARMTNET). Iv'e had many Years flying this great Aircraft, not so good with Landings, although they say any Landing is a good one. However, with the Increasing upgrades of Microsoft Flight Simulator through 98 2002, 2004 FS9and FSX and many changes since. Having come back to Flight Simulator FSX Gold Edition recently I find I cannot fly this A340-600 anymore because the Gauges/Cockpit have lots of things missing. Can somebody please possibly advise me what to do to get this A340 working again please IN FSX. Have a nice Christmas everybody! Paul.
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