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About mickwilliams36

  • Birthday 01/26/1965

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  1. Well, it looks like I spoke too soon. My"Hello" returned again this morning so I restated the sim but this time with my MCP Combo disabled in LINDA, and the FA was silent. It must be some sort of conflict going on between FS2Crew and the MCP configs as you say Brian. Hopefully Scott will be able to resolve this problem quickly. Rgds, Mick
  2. Hi, I also have a VRInsight MCP Combo II and run Linda. The good news is I've just installed the latest version of Linda (2.6.8 v3) released yesterday, and that seems to have cured my issues. I've just flown out of EGHI en route to EIDW without a single "Hello". P3D did crash as I requested the Altimeters call as part of the descent checklist, but that could have been anything I suppose and not necessarily related to FS2Crew. Do you know if there's a way of finding out what caused the CTD? Rgds, Mick
  3. I'm afraid not. It happens when I'm not touching anything.and generally repeats every minute or so.
  4. I'll do another flight and make notes of exactly when she starts saying "Hello" and report back once I've done. Rgds, Mick
  5. I definitely don't have the call button pressed. Both ARDCU's are set to VHF1, but she still keeps on saying "Hello". Rgds, Mick
  6. Hi, I'm getting exactly the same issue but I'm using button control. It's definitely the same "Hello" as the FA Call voice. Regards, Mick Williams
  7. Hi Bryan, Great news...I thought I was starting to hear things. I'll switch off the "Speed Check" option until the next update comes out. Regards, Mick
  8. Hi, I made this short video today which shows my issue. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNm10A97fMc&feature=youtu.be regards, Mick
  9. Hi Bryan, I've just completed a flight from EGLL to EHAM and I definitively heard "Flaps 25" when I requested "Flaps 40". If I can work out how to do it I'll try and get a video so you can hear it yourself. Regards, Mick
  10. It's the UK voice set and button control. regards, Mick
  11. Hi, I've noticed on my last 2 flights that when I ask for flaps 40, the FO reads back "Flaps 25" although he does set the flaps correctly. I'm using Reboot NGX v1.1, button control, SOP 2. Not a major issue, just thought I'd point it out. Any ideas? Regards, Mick
  12. Hi Keven, I am pleased to say that appears to have fixed my problem. I now have the "Modify/Rescan for New Aircraft" button available again. Many thanks for your quick work to resolve this problem. Thanks, Mick
  13. Hi, I'm having a similar problem but my button for "Update to 1.5" is greyed out and I have no other buttons available so I can't install into anything. It recognizes P3D v3 is installed but doesn't give me the option to install. Thanks, Mick
  14. Hi Brian, thanks for the link. I can confirm that when I switch my VRInsight MCP2 off everything works fine so it is definitely something to do with this particular piece of hardware that is causing the issues. Here's hoping the Scott manages to sort something out as it's a shame not being able to use my MCP with the Q400. Regards, Mick
  15. Thanks for letting us know. Fingers crossed he finds the time to have a look into this problem.
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