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About Moe

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  • Birthday 11/04/1968

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  1. After spending 14 hours working on this today. Yes, a day off work spent banging my head on a keyboard. I finally solved this. As it turns out REX Essentials, ASN, was not the problem. I had corrupted files within FSX-SE. Can't say why but Steam reinstalled FSX-SE after running a diagnostic tool from them. All settings were left the same. It turns out REX 4 Textures direct from Steam is not all that user friendly to install. A look at the support forum there shows lots of guys having trouble. Turns out one must install REX, run it, shut it down, run FSX, shut it down, run REX again and shut it down then ASN. All this is somewhat discouraging. If anyone ever has this trouble look at the pinned support subject there. After all this trouble I now have all the effects I was looking for. Thanks to all that helped. FYI I had support tickets to all the companies. Moe
  2. So I did some troubleshooting. I ran FSX-SE without ASN running and selected a few bad weather themes within FSX. No clouds to speak of. Then I ran REX without ASN and selected a few bad weather themes within REX. A few very flat clouds at 14,000 but not the storms I selected. Then I gave in and uninstalled REX Essentials. Purchased and installed REX 4 Textures Direct from Steam. After installation attempts to run the REX controller causes crashes of REX. However the clods seem slightly larger in square area when running ASN but still only at 14,000 ish and still the height of a sheet of paper. Oh well it's my lo$$. All along I continue to have improved textures from REX in all regards other than clouds. Clouds... the main reason for REX. I get low vis from a fog style on approach and I get all the nice sun, taxiway markings, water etc from REX and all the winds, turbulence etc from ASN but no damn clouds. When is Dovetails new sim come out? Moe
  3. When I downloaded Rex the other day it was the latest version 3.4 something. I tried a manual weather setting in rex with ASN off and did not have much luck. I'm not sure if I did it right. Will try what I did back in my P2D days and run REX with real world weather. I think I am ultimately going to have to spend the money and re-purchase REX again hoping a newer version will work better. Perhapse the REX textures direct from Steam. That's got to install correctly and work with FSX-SE seeing all three would be from Steam right? Just sucks that I am facing purchasing something again that I already have. Moe
  4. I am using FSX-SE and installed from Steam ASN. I previously (in 2012) purchased REX Essentials for my old Pd3v1.4 setup (long since abandoned). Frustrated with almost no clouds showing up in my new build even with ASN I re-downloaded and installed to the correct path my old REX old 2012. After installation I get a few cirrus clouds but no real amount of cloud cover. Is it possible that that ols REX is simply incompatible with FSX-SE? Is my best hope to install REX Textures Direct from Steam? My system is an AMD FX 8320 @3.87 Ghz , 8GB ram, Video Card is an ATI T7 265 2GB D5 OC, Track IR Software W7 64, FSX-SE, ASN-SE, REX Essentials, ORBX Australia SP4, UTX Canada V2, Simaddons 38 Airports for all of Atlantic Canada, 20 Downloaded airports from here and Flight sim.com for Atlantic Canada and Maine, from Steam Lukla, Nook, Australian adventure pack. Thanks for any help you folks can offer. Moe
  5. My credit card is waiting....... too soon? LOL Moe
  6. Do you guys really think MS gives a damn about anything to do with MS Flight anymore. Short of someone reselling an unlicensed copy or core code of MS Flight, I don't think MS lawyers would even bat an eye at it. Moe
  7. I too like how Steam manages easy installation and updates of addons when bought from Steam. On my old P3d v1.4 build I had Rex and it caused some CTD. I like the idea of this REX Texture Direct 4, for it's textures of Rex without it's weather engine and using ASN for it's weather engine. With both available now through Steam it's a no brainer.
  8. Yep it's fixed. Just replaced the terrain.cfg and rerun the UTX utility. Thanks for every ones help. Moe
  9. Thanks guys. I will look at those options but first a guy from Orbx has contacted me and it seems to be not so uncommon a problem following FTX installation and removal. Pics provided show the same problem on other's setups. Solution is to delete the terrain.cfg file and replace it with a new one form a fresh install on another computer. I am in the process of installing an old boxed FSX on an older desktop to acquire that file. Will let you know how I make out. I have learned that FSX, FSX-SE and all P3d versions use the same terrain.cfg fo this should go OK. Moe
  10. I might be coming back to MS Flight. I am having a heap of trouble with my FSX-SE setup am starting to have sim withdrawl. Moe
  11. I am having a big problem with my FSX-SE setup. 1. I am seeing strips of odd textured terrain world wide. The strips are like large parallel mismatched textures. These are blocked in what looks like 1 to 5 square mile areas. 2. There are a pile of trees and buildings in many water areas. 3. There are many lakes popping up in area that should not have water. I have installed from Steam FSX-SE, Greenland Nook, Lukla, ASN. I have also installed A2A C172, 38 Simaddons airports, Flight1 UTX Canada V2. ORBX Iceland Global/Vector/LC demo. I installed the PNW demo as well but deleted it using the Orbx uninstaller as I did not like some of the graphic errors I saw. After all that was installed (in steps over the year) everything worked well. Recently I installed the Tasmania demo and attempted to reinstall the PNW demo. I would get an error "FTXCentral" "Duplicate Landclass index 14 Aborting FTXCentral" Fair enough. So I uninstalled it. After that all the errors world wide listed above showed up. Things I did to rectify this: 1. Installed up to date ATI driver. 2. Through Steam uninstalled and re installed FSX-SE 3. Disabled in scenery library each addon scenery. 4. Uninstalled and removed every item of Orbx I could find from the hardrive. I still have the trouble. If I don't get this resolved is my next step to buy a new computer? Moe
  12. So I have not purchased any ORBX products yet as I read various things about performance. So I decided to download and install the demos. I downloaded the Global/Vector/LC demo, the Tasmania demo, and the PNW demo. When I tried running each of them I found various issues with land class (water bogged homes and trees) and disappearing runways on final approach to rollout. I got a but disappointed by this and deleted it all using provided uninstall software from Orbx. I noticed some files were not removed by the uninstallers so I manually deleted them. I found out recently that the purchased regions have been patched to fix these land class and other issues. So I attempted to install them again. The one I am having issue with is the PNW demo. After installation I get a error message when FTX Central tries to open. "FTXCentral Duplicate Landclass Index 14 Aborting FTXCentral" I then have to uninstall using the PNW uninstall program. Can anyone out there direct me to a folder / file to delete this problem? I am using FSX-SE Thanks Moe
  13. Often your simply hitting the runway with too much force. Consider this: 1) Is the aircraft heavy with fuel? 2) Auto pilot should take you to the runway but not land it as most auto pilot's don't flare. 3) Rate of decent at touchdown should be quite low the heavier you are. Moe
  14. My understanding is that the engine at the core of the new sim will be based on MS Flight. If that is true then proper use of multiple cores and the GPU will be like MS Flight and that is all good. Moe
  15. Moe

    Aerofly V2

    I don't see why they wouldn't allow 3rd party developers in. With the current Aerofly FS they allowed 3rd party aircraft. Something you can't overlook is the screaming frame rates the original has. Hope that carries on to the V2. With my old machine 2.8 I would get mid 20s in FSX/P3d, mid 40's in MS Flight, but 80-140 FPS in Aerofly FS !!! Moe
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