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  1. Mine is the same. Stays at 120 throughout the entire flight. If I save the flight and carry on at a later time, it will adjust the amount of fuel to the correct level. Once again though it stays at that level and won't reduce as I carry on the flight.
  2. This may not help, but it's worth a try. Try installing SimConnect again from the main FSX folder. If things like this happen, its always worth reinstalling SimConnect.
  3. Thank you Bert, I will have a look now mate You Sir are a Diamond :wub: lol All sorted. I had to map Windows 1 through 9 with the Shift + 1 map and so on.... One last question. What are you going to do when you get that last gold star? You won't have room for any more lol Thank's for the help Bert. Very much appreciated.
  4. The only one I am after is the Carenado PA46 Windows Manager which in the manual is binded to Shift + 3. When I press Shift + 3 nothing happens. It isn't a standard key bind for FSX. I think what I need to know is what Carenado use to open the Windows Manager when pressing Shift + 3 so I can re-map it. Not sure though? I would have thought it would be the same for all Carenado planes with the Windows Manger?
  5. It was a typo Bert. As I said none of the "numbered" windows are mapped as I deleted them all when installing EzDok, but thanks for the help. Anyone else have a look at their assignments for me please?
  6. I'm not at all worried about the GPS pop ups (shift + 1 or + 2) as I can pop them up from the hotspot. It's the Windows Manager (Shift + 3) that I can't access, which means I can't use the static elements on the ground. I have just looked in the Key Assignments and can't find any Shift + Number Key in there at all. I think I deleted them all when installing EzDok. Should the Windows Manger be allocated to one of the panel windows? Do you have this plane, and if so could you please look at your key bindings and see if it is allocated?
  7. Thanks for your reply Burt. I'm not quite sure what you mean mate? Is that from inside the .CFG or from the key assignments page, or neither of them lol?
  8. Looks like I'm sending a support ticket then?
  9. Hi all. I can't seem to get my Windows Manager to work by pressing Shift + 3. I am in a Cold and Dark environment so I meet all the criteria. I think it must be a mapping issue. I do have EzDok V1.8 installed, and I am wondering if it is this that is causing the error? I have noticed that none of my Carenado (number) Shift maps seem to be working, although I can open and close the doors with Shift + E. It seems to be just the numbered ones. Has anyone experienced this before? Has anyone a solution? Any help would be appreciated. If you need any more info please ask. Thank, Chris. FSX Steam Edition Windows 7 64bit PS. I did do a browser and forum search for this issue but came up short of any answers. I have not yet sent a support ticket as I wanted to check here first.
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