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  1. Dear Simfly. I am in the same boat as you. Waiting for the MIP and the Overhead, however, PMDG only cares about the Virtual Cockpit. They dont even want to talk about 2 D panels ( it's something from the Past, they say... ) We, the cockpit builders, are in secondary "mode". Why they dont , at least, launch a "paid" set of panels ? ( for the old people ...) Frustrated Vpira
  2. For those who test, fly, but do not read the manuals: Reference FCOM, page 9.20.10 from Dec 13, 2010 Normal Mode Pitch Control The PFCs also provide compensation for flap and speedbrake configuration changes, and turns up to 30° of bank. The PFCs automatically control pitch to maintain a relatively constant flight path. This eliminates the need for the pilot to make control column inputs to compensate for these factors. For turns up to 30° of bank, the pilot does not need to add additional column back pressure to maintain altitude. For turns of more than 30° of bank, the pilot does need to add column back pressure. Apparently, not even the Betas are aware of this. However, in straight and level flight, the SP1b is far better then the "triple U" previous version ( untrimmable, unflyiable, unreliable ) . I am waiting the SP1c version already. Vpira
  3. Dear Marco. Be careful with what some people here in this Forum say and write. Specially what happened to Asiana. There is a significant difference between having an idea about, and really knowing what happened... Simply, try this in your PMDG 777: At any configuration ,with A/P, F/D and A/T engaged, at 10000 feet, set 0 ( zero ) on the altitude window. Now press FLCH. The plane will start to descend, at the commanded speed ( bug speed ). The FMA initially will be THR I xxx I FLCH . Soon after the throttles reach idle, the HOLD mode will replace the THR mode . So far, so good... While descending, disconnect the A/P and disconnect ONLY your side F/D ( leave the other F/D ON ). Now, start pulling the yoke for a level flight ( or a shallow descend ), and allow the speed to reduce into the yellow band. Half way into the yellow band, you get EICAS " AIRSPEED LOW" , however, you do not get the A/T " wake up" protection ! At this point, if the fellow Korean pilot ( or yourself ) had disconnect the other F/D , the FMA HOLD mode will turn to SPEED mode, the A/T will "wake up" and the throttles advance to maintain the bug speed. A Beautiful Stall speed protection... I dont want to extend this talking, but for your info, the correct F/D config for a visual approach, is to have the Pilot Flying and Pilot Monitoring OFF ( in this sequence ), then Pilot Monitoring ( only ) selected to ON. This is to avoid losing the stall protection in case of a Go Around. FCTM 5.45 , 5.54 Conclusion: should the pilots had follow the Boeing FCTM , the outcome certainly was a normal landing. Vpira
  4. Hello Guys. Do you know how to stop the " momentum effect ", that keeps the cockpit view swinging ? I have tried the aircraft config / MomentumEffect = False, but no avail... Vpira
  5. The Emirates alternates for Perth are: YPEA - Pearce , with an ILS YPKG - Kalgoorlie YPLM - Learmonth Vpira
  6. Anybody developing a 2D panel for the PMDG 777? Let's keep in touch. Cheers Vpira
  7. Thanx for the reply PMC. I am looking for a way to make my 777 MCP rotary works. I have everything working in my NGX + OC panels + OC4BA software. Hopefully the 777 SP1 will come soon along with the SDK. Cheers Vpira
  8. For PilotManChase. Is it possible for you to tell me what modifications you did for the NGX SDK work in the 777? Did you place the folders within the NGX SDK in the 777 SDK? Did you modify the names? I am very interested in your work, so please , send me some info when possible. Cheers Vpira
  9. Gentlemen, for your information. When using the alternate flap extension, there is no indication of the flap maneuvering speeds on the speed tape. I hope it will be corrected in the next revision. Vpira
  10. Gentlemen, for your information. If using the Alternate Flaps Extension, there is no flaps maneuvering speeds indication on the speed tape. Ref FCOM 10.10.05 I hope it will be corrected in the future. Vpira
  11. Gentlemen. From now on I am not going to make any reference to anybody or any group of people. I am sorry. Regards Vpira
  12. The only ones needing help here is PMDG 777 software and it's Beta blind testing "dream team" LOL
  13. Gentlemen. What the "issue tracking thread" will correct , whenever the SP is released, is the lack of capability of engaging Heading or Track below 400'. This is another issue.I will try to explain again. For instance, try take off with LNAV and VNAV armed. Once airborne, fail one engine. Press TOGA again. One will get THR REF / TOGA / VNAV SPD instead of the THR REF / TOGA / TOGA ( the correct one ). Trim the plane and engage the Auto pilot at 200 feet. The Auto pilot does not maintain the ground path , as it should. Two new snags. Guys, stop reading those silly books and start reading the FCOM and FCTM. The reference is in my original post. Thank you . Vpira
  14. Hello Billy. Try ask your friends about eng fail handling and Auto Pilot engagement. You will see that 98% of the real world pilots use the A/P as soon as possible. It Boeing culture thingy. Did anybody else tried to engage the A/P after pushing TOGA while airborne? As I said before , my A/P is not holding the Track or heading if engaged below 400 feet. Anybody could give me a feedback? Vpira
  15. 777 Flight Crew Training Manual Takeoff and Initial Climb FCTM 777 3.35 Autopilot Engagement - One Engine Inoperative When at a safe altitude above 200 feet AGL with correct rudder pedal input as needed, the autopilot may be engaged. If the TAC is not operating, rudder trim must be manually applied. By the way, the PMDG 777 autopilot is only behaving "properly" ( this means, maintaining the TOGA ground track or TRK SEL or HDG SEL if engaged above 400 feet ) Billy, could you do me a favor and check if yours is doing the same? Thanx Vpira
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