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  1. I have a I7, 3770k, which I've read that they max out 4.7 or 4.8. I might try and push my luck haha. I've been testing some more, and I really am happy with the results, I'll just refrain from flying circles around skyscrapers...Since I'll be doing mainly commercial flights. But I'll apply those changes, see if it bumps it up a notch. Thanks for all your help Paul!
  2. Ah...just the man I wanted to talk to. Yeah I figured Seattle was brutal on even high-end rigs, It's just curious to me that the frames were great until I flew a third or fourth circle around downtown. I tried the same test in my hometown of Denver, and it's the same story. Other than that, DX10 is the bee's knees for sure. that would be great if you could take a crack at it, I'd much appreciate it. Oh, and with inspector, I can't seem to get the aircraft shadows AA working. In the "SLI Compatibility Bits" section, the value that you have in your settings isn't present in my inspector. But I'm not incredibly worried about it right now. Thanks Paul!
  3. welp, I'm not an expert on RAM, haha.. So what is memory leak? and how does one solve it?
  4. I created a fresh CFG, no change. I even reinstalled FSX. The frames are great, locked at a solid 30.0/30.1, and there is no stuttering. Until I fly into a downtown area, and circle around skyscrapers a few times, then they plummet. To be fair, I plan on flying commercial, so I won't be doing that obviously, but I also don't want this to mean underlying problems with other sceneries/addons later down the road. As for the tweaks, I followed the AVSIM HW/SW Guide, as well as the DX10 how-to, exactly. I applied the tweaks one by one, and did testing around Seattle. Flying low and fast over the suburbs yielded great results, a smooth and stutter-free experience. Just not over downtown. If you get a chance, try this experiment out, see what kind of results you get. Just fly into downtown Seattle, at a high rate of speed, and just circle downtown about 3 times. Then fly out in any direction, turn around, and fly back over downtown. See if your frames drop.
  5. ...The frames, that is... So I've done a vanilla OS, overclock, and fsx install with DX10. Tweaked and tuned as per the latest hardware/software guide, and other articles by PJ. It runs like a dream, without a stutter in the world. That is until today, while doing some test flights in default Seattle.. Flying various default aircraft, I would circle the downtown area several times, with frames locked and holding at 30, then head away from the city, turn around and repeat. On the second or third time doing this, my frames began to plunge. First to about 25-27, and then with each pass and circle, down even further, sometimes jumping down to 12-18. I can fly away from the city, and eventually my frames go back to 30. But as soon as I turn around, and get to a certain point, they plunge yet again, and the stutters get worse. Even stranger, if I quit the flight, and load it back up right away, if I get anywhere near downtown, the FPS drop way down. Only if I restart FSX, and load a new flight will I be able to fly around downtown once or twice before it starts stuttering again.. I guess I'd like to know why FSX doesn't simply stutter from the get-go on my first two passes or so.. I started with BP=0, then tried several combinations of BP=1 and different RTs. Same result. As far as I know, my machine, under DX10, should more or less eat up DEFAULT scenery in DEFAULT aircraft. 4.7OC, GTX680 Superclock 2GB, 1600mhz ram OC 8-8-8-24.. I should also note, that I didnt have UIAutomation fix in properly (forgot to change the name)...and a suffered a few BSODs because of it. I can't recall having these stutters before those BSODs...Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but either way I'm probably going to do another vanilla OS and fsx.. super excited to do it again. If anyone has any insight on this, please share... I would like to finally get this right. Thanks.
  6. Thanks for all the feedback guys, i do have my bufferpool set at "0", and my frame rate locked at 30. If everyone else has this same problem with the animations, then I feel alot better about it. right now NGX is the only addon I have installed, for testing purposes, and I'm getting 30fps anywhere im testing. I'm not so much worried about fps, just smoothness. One last issue though, NGX is giving me microstutters...how might I go about getting rid of them? Thanks again.
  7. i will tomorrow when i am home. thank you for your help.
  8. yup, its ticked. what about nvidia inspector? would a setting in there affect animations?
  9. Forgot to mention, I've done all the cfg tweaks as per the Hardware and Software guide, with default aircraft, it runs all sorts of smooth. I also did see on here that it was a bug, but in the videos I've watched, the animations were nice and fluid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=Hbin6-100e0 Could anyone tell me what lines in the CFG might affect the NGX? Thanks for everyones help!
  10. Hi everyone, sorry to be THIS guy...but I'm out of ideas. I've watched several NGX videos on youtube, and it seems like they all have it dialed in, and I cant get mine to perform like theirs. I'm talking about choppy animations, like, way choppy animations. i.e speedbreaks, ailerons, etc.. I dont accept the results I'm getting. My system should handle NGX. I know its a heavy addon, but comparing other peoples systems, and seeing how it runs on them, I should be getting comperable results..or maybe not, I'm still new to this world... 3770k @ 4.7, 8GB corsair vengance ram 9-9-9-24, GTX680, samsung SSD. someone please help me out here... Thanks.
  11. Oh I'm good with the speed, I just didn't know if it was a crucial thing to do. So being that it is 2400Mhz, in the BIOS, I should make that the target DRAM speed then? By default it is 1600 on X.M.P profile..
  12. Hi everyone, I'm not very computer-savvy to say the least..I've spent the past few months researching forums on here, watching countless YouTube videos, and of course, following the AVSIM guide, to get to the point I'm at now. I've managed to overclock, and tweak FSX pretty successfully, but I am constantly learning more that can be done.. So I've reinstalled W7, kept my overclock, and now I'm stuck on the topic of DDR timings. I've searched so many forums, (including on here), but I can really find something that thoroughly explains them, First, what exactly does it do in FSX? Second, can someone be so kind as to tell me what I should be running mine at? What should my target DRAM speed be in BIOS? I have a Sabretooth Z77 i7 3770k (OC 4.7, 1.315v), Corsair H80i cooler, Corsair CX750M PSU, EVGA GTX680, and Corsair CMZ16GX3MA1600C11 DDR3 16GB 2400Mhz ram. In case its not obvious, I'm extremely new here, haha...so apologies in advance..But any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. I'm having the same problem..very frustrating. Something with Nvidia maybe? or CFG...I've played with both of them, cant seem to make it any better..
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