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  1. Hi Helge, VoxATC did get back to me but could only advise me to reinstall everything cleanly. After numerous attempts at this and no success they could offer no other advice. They did not mention any error logs and I still would not know where to find those. With regards your question, the issue affected all aspects of VoxATC, voiceconfig, sims elect, everything except for registration and advanced settings. I have know idea why radeonpro would affect it, but it seems radeonpro is also affecting other program's such as trackir as well. The trackir program responds really slowly when radeonpro is turned on and crashed several times when in game. I am going to contact radeonpro direct to see if they can understand the issues. In the meantime I have disabled radeonpro but not run fsx since so do not know how that affects the game. I have followed the advice on ccc settings in the dx10 user guide for those who do not have radeonpro so hopefully it does not affect it too much. When I get a response off radeonpro I shall post it here. Thanks Dave
  2. Hi All, I got no joy off VOXatc support at all. I finally found the answer myself. I had recently installed RadeonPro to manage my Graphics card settings and it appears that this was, for some reason conflicting with VOXatc. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I disabled Radeonpro and VOXatc seems to work again though I have no idea yet what effect disabling Radeonpro has on the graphics and performance in game. I used radeonpro as it was recommended on the DX10 forum.
  3. Hi, I have had VOXATC working well for over 18 months now however after I installed the new version 6.2 whenever I try to use VoxPOP or voice configuration it comes up with an error message that says Voiceconfig has stopped working or voxpopserver has stopped working. This only occurred after the new install. I use Win 7 64bit completely upto date with 16gb ram. Because of this issue I cannot install and configure other voices. VoxATC still works within FSX. I am using DX10 preview mode if that is any help but have only just completed that change (within 7 days). VOXatc was ok after I changed over to DX10. I did create an new FSX.cfg but installed the new VoxATC after that. I have also done a fresh install from my disc version of VoxATC (v 6.06 UK enhanced) and it still comes up with the same issue! I did completely uninstall v6.2 before I did this so do not understand why this is still happening when all was well before. Can anyone offer any solutions Many Thanks Dave
  4. Thanks Paul, that was it! I did create a new fsx.cfg when going to DX10 and never thought about what changes had been put in their by MTX. Thank you for the help. Hi Mork, sorry forgot to mention I had tried it without VoxATC with no luck.
  5. Hi All, I have been reading the DX10 forums for a while now and have just taken the leap into changing over. I have managed to get everything setup well so get 20-25 fps with PMDG 737ngx in busy airports which is what I was after. However one problem has arisen. I have and use VoxATC in combination with MyTraffic 2013 yet since the move to DX10 VoxATC no longer displays any AI aircraft. VoxATC loads perfectly fine and operates how it should do except I no longer see any aircraft! Can anyone help with this. As far as I am aware MyTraffic 2013 is DX10 compatible and VoxATC only loads the aircraft into the sim so I cannot understand why the aircraft do not display. Has anyone any ideas. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks
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