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    Dillon, Colorado

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  1. So in my example. How would that be inputted? Actually, sorry. Disregard that last question. I entered it as N4407.0W12213.0 and it took as WPT1. Thanks for all the help Dan. I really appreciate your time.
  2. Glad to see I am not the only one. Thanks for the attempt. I will be curious to see what the NGX developers have to say if they respond. Do you think I should put in an official support ticket?
  3. I've entered on both pages just to make sure. I can send screenshots if needed. Thanks Dan
  4. That does not work. "INVALID ENTRY" Using the Long Formula it still doesn't take. Neither N4407W12213 or N44070W122130 take. Says "INVALID ENTRY"
  5. Good afternoon all. I apologize if this has already been covered. I did a search and didn't come up with the answer I was looking for. I've been a PMDG user for years and understand the basic LAT/LONG entries. This one I don't know how to put in. In a recent flight from SFO to YVR the used flightplan was TRUKN2 DEDHD RBL 4407N 12213W PAE GRIZZ5. My question is, how do I enter the 4407N 12213W ? Thanks guys.
  6. I've never put them in simply because most of our flying is done on the VATSIM network and the parking code is never really used. I rely on a controller for that or myself if none is available. Never had any of our team ask that question either. Good question.
  7. Another program out there that has been widely used is DXTBMP which comes with a .DDS converter. ( http://www.mwgfx.co.uk/index.htm ) This one has been around a long long time. Just remember to "Pre-Flip" your textures. Have fun!
  8. That will happen due to the level of detail you set in the FSX Options menu. Bump your level of detail up and it will go away. Blue skies!
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