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About flyer58

  • Birthday 10/11/1954

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    Commercial Pilot 3500 hours Multi and aerobatic,Night and IFR

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  1. Thanks But I current can not get the Aircraft to load ready for take off ... nor how can I add fuel .. if shows low fuel .. this is only a recent problem all has been well up until I re installed latest file Thanks
  2. Aircraft will not start EFB setting to ready for takeoff does not work either Any ideas please
  3. Hi I have submitted to support re AFC Bridge and still have had no response so hoping I can get some Joy here I have both Flight Yoke and Throttle Quad and I am very very impressed and yes its expensive but woth it. I sort time ago the AFC Bridge stopped automatically starting for the LED lights and I have to do this manually I have read about this and followed all instructions and advise but still no resolve.... Can you advise and trully fix this issue... not a big deal but its annoying to me who spent the money It is most likely a MSFS 2020 and compatiabilty issue maybe.. REgards Cliff Tait
  4. Not that I am aware of .. I have no response for a while
  5. Thanks guys will try what you have suggested....
  6. Hi all When I dis connect the auto pilot the warning siren sounds ...but it will not stop even after pressing the necessary buttons etc it will only stop if I re activate the auto pilot...I have tried re installing but no change I have the 777-200 base pack plus up dates and the 300 expansion.. Cliff
  7. I think this may have been asked on a few occassions but I am still having Issues re the auto pilot not been able to activate I have configured the aircraft as per the tutorial on several occassions and still it doesnt want to activate, then all of a sudden it does, but not always. I have completely Un installed and re installed .. and still no joy. also VNav etc does not arm either. I love this aircraft as I do the 777 and I have no issues with the 777 ...so can any one advise what the issue could be...and how I could resolve this. I have gone through the FMC set menue no failures set.... maybe I am missing something. Thanks
  8. Can anyone assist me on an explination on why the heading bug does not line up .. with actual aircrafts heading attached image shows what happens. Thanks... how do you post an image of the problem ...i have used jpeg and it says not allowed to use that file extension ..
  9. I have just purchased the PMDG Jet Stream and after a succesful Install When I start FSX and then select the aircraft FSX fatal error and shuts down any help out there why as no other aircraft do this. I have a AMD 4100 3.6 Quad core 8 Gb DDR Ram 2gb NVIDA Graphics card Windows 7
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