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  1. Ok, so it seems to be working ok now. I've plugged it into a different USB. Bearing in mind that the USB I did use was USB3.0 and now I'm using it on a USB2.0 so that might have been the problem.
  2. I don't get a crash no. I believe that's why it doesn't try initialising the sound device because if it does, your sim will crash, apparently. I've tried plugging my headset in a different USB port and it seems ok now. I'll have to keep testing it.
  3. Anybody had an issue with GSX where it fails to initialise audio device? I've got no sound from GSX. When I go into the sound settings my USB headphones aren't listed on the drop down menu. Instead it says "has failed to initialise audio device". I've installed the Realtek sound drivers from the motherboard disk and headphone drivers but still no luck. The USB headphones in question are the Sennheiser PC323D headphones. They work with other applications fine such as TeamSpeak so Windows is recognising them as a device. I can also hear the sound of the sim through my headphones fine. I've gone into the P3D sound settings and set the correct playback and recording device etc. but it still doesn't fix the issue. I did try to re-install GSX and it cured the issue, but only for one flight. The issue is back again! Has anybody experienced this issue or know how to fix it? Kind regards, Charlie.
  4. I'll try a derated thrust setting on my next flight and see if it works out better. Thanks guys
  5. Alright guys, thanks. I noticed that the flight I did, I selected the top option which was TO as described above and that gave me a rotate speed of about 140 however the one underneath gave me a rotate speed of around 132 and the 3rd and final option underneath, that gave me a lower speed to rotate at. I selected the top option as I didn't want to get of the ground any sooner than 140 as I would have used even less of the runway! so selecting the TO 1st option on the thrust settings page was the best option. I just want to know if that's the right way of doing it, by selecting it from that page.
  6. All, I was wondering if someone could lend me a hand or point me in the right direction so I can get this problem sorted. So I started a flight in the 777 the other day from Heathrow to Copenhagen. As I was only going over to Copenhagen I was quite light. The issue is that I simply don't know how to perform a derated take off. Every time I take off I apply full power and the aircraft's off the ground within about 6 seconds (obviously I am doing something wrong). I can derate with no problem on the NGX. I just click the option underneath the top one in the FMC which is 24k I think or something along that line. I try to do this in the 777 but it's not working for me :( Also on the climb out due to full power being applied I am straight over 250 knots. Could someone tell me: 1. How to calculate my takeoff thrust 2. Where to enter this into the FMC so I take off with the correct thrust setting according to the aircraft's weight. Thanks.
  7. All, This question has probably been asked a hundred and one times but I shall ask as I can't find the answer anywhere. I have the NGX in P3D and running ASN. How do I operate the weather radar? I select WXR from the EFIS control unit and I also select WXR and AUTO on the weather panel on the centre pedestal but I don't get any scanning of any sort on the ND display. Do I have to drag and drop another file somewhere? I have ASN and AS connect all installed. Regards. Charlie Packman
  8. Ok I just bought RC 4 and it works very well and I did a perfect flight being vectored in etc. However there are some problems. I have my UT2 on full whack therefore all general aviation and commercial flights are at the highest popularity. The problems I am getting is that I have not yet had a successful landing clearance I rather get the "Go around" as there is an aircraft ahead of me on the runway. I am led to believe that RC4 freezes aircraft at the hold so it doesn't cause a collision but its not doing this? I also tell RC4 what runways are in use therefore all AI traffic will depart and arrive on a certain runway. however I get aircraft landing on the opposite thus causing a collision. I have tried refreshing AI in my Active sky to no luck. Regards,
  9. I have just purchased Radar Contact through the website myself and paid via PayPal. I have installed correctly and I go to request the key using my Gmail account I send the email correctly and get a reply from a John Dekker saying that my email is not in the database. The email I am sending to get hold of a key is the one I used to register so I don't understand why the email is telling me its not in the database? If somebody could shine some light and help me here?
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