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About McDANIEL_Douglas

  • Birthday 02/24/1974

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  1. Hi all, I've just bought the 540 version for my P3D V4 but as many of you, I'm wondering how to update this thing. I need it updated because I am currently taking real IFR lessons. I've searched in this topic but is a bit hard to find out. I've seen it looks like I'll need a Garmin subscription? Is that correct? Or is there an easier and cheaper way to achieve this update? Aviation Database is expired from January 2016 and Obstacle Database from April 2010. I can't use it. Can some good soul lead me to the answer, please? Thank you very much! Daniel from Italy.
  2. hello dear mr. scandinavian13! really, it didn't and it doen't ask me if I'd like to restore or delete the liveries that it found...
  3. hello all! I'd like to ask about a little problem I have when trying to download some liveries: - I have had to uninstall and reinstall 737 PMDG from FS-X sometimes and I've succesfully installed some liveries before uninstalling it, but after installing it again, when I try to reinstall all the liveries I want, appears a small window saying that: "texture folder already exists... please enter a new texture folder below"... so, I'm a bit confused what I need to do... could you give me some advice, please? thanks! p.s.: I run the Livery Manager as administrator, obviously.
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