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Bob R

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    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
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    Illustration, animation, digital sculpting, mathematics and aviation.

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  1. I was having this same, frustrating issue. Tried all sorts of things to no avail. I did find a workaround that doesn't require fiddling before every flight: You have to install Voice Meeter Banana in order to do this; so yes, another app eating up resources, but it works. Once you have that installed, all you essentially need to do is direct Vox to play through Voice Meeter's virtual input, rather than your actual sound card. Within Voice Meeter, you can then control the volume of the voices you have assigned to Vox without any auto-adjustments taking place. Hope this helps somebody.
  2. I ended up removing the script. My e-mail to the developer bounced back, so who knows what the status is on this. Next best option looks to be downloading the stream files into a VLC playlist. Works fine, you can even set a delay; just not the most ideal setup.
  3. EHTX, do you still use LAAP v2.1 in P3Dv5? I can't seem to get it to work. I get the message that the script has started, even see VLC process start up, but I get no audio. Tried contacting the developer, but haven't heard back. Was hoping to use it with PSXseecon and Real Traffic.
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